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CHRISSY: That night, although I had a great time, was just a fling to me. It was my first time, but he never knew that because being a virgin had such a stigma. It still does, it's so stupid. Anyways, it meant nothing to me because that's the world we were in. Casual, meaningless sex.

WARREN: It's all sex, drugs, rock'n'roll, baby! [smiles] No, no but really. I knew it was a fling, uh but I didn't want it to be.

CHRISSY: A few days later, still months before the Aurora sessions started, we went out on the sunset strip. Pandora's box at first, then to the Whisky.. Me, Warren, Graham, and Daisy. Warren suggested we get to know her and most of the band was uninterested. We didn't tell Lewis. He spent the day with Camilla and Julia. She was teaching him more about photography. They were more so his scene anyways, more domestic. We were too rambunctious for his liking.

GRAHAM: I don't uh, I don't remember that night. I mean, it was one night 20 years ago, how could I?

WARREN: Graham was getting swarmed by chicks that night!! You don't even know hun, there were like 8 girls on him at the bar. He left early, he couldn't handle it, couldn't get Karen out of his mind, plus he was in a very non-serious relationship with some other chick. He went home. Called a cab.

CHRISSY: I found my place on the strip. I loved it. The people, the music, the drinks, the drugs, the groupies, the groups, it was great at the time. It was killing me, the substances. I had no idea. None of us really did. I was a pretty girl, I was very interested in all of the substances, I didn't even know what I was taking half the time. I mean, it was the first time I really experienced drugs, and I loved it. I was a hit. That first night though, Daisy was able to get us to meet some of the Doors. I uh [smiles] 'met' John Densmore. Daisy wasn't into that sort of stuff, she just helped me get an 'in'. She knew I was an adult and I wasn't stupid. I could think for myself. I remember her saying "do whatever you want, fuck everybody else." And then we laughed at the irony of the second part. I'm glad she and I never fully drifted from each other. We didn't actually become friends until.. probably around the 80s.. maybe '79 ? I forgot.. We'll get to that later. But we understood each other.

WARREN: John Densmore, man! From the fucking doors! And not only was he in the doors, he was the drummer! With a mustache!!! Do you know how that made me feel!?

DAISY: I had never seen Warren so jealous. Me and him, we were always able to just talk to each other without any egos getting in the way. We were just happy to be there. No one really talked about it, but we were good friends. I remember walking back to the bar after I got Chris in with Densmore. He (Warren) asked me where she was and I said she was 'with the band.' He started questioning me, and I remember asking him why he cared so much. He just looked at me for a second, his face kinda froze. He blinked and said, "I don't," and turned back towards the bar. I sat down next to him and we talked and danced and whatever, and when Chris came back, a little disheveled, I said I was tired. I wasn't tired. I went home to Simone and we went to a party. I didn't want to be a third wheel to this dynamite girl and her new jealous, pining, mustached, boy-toy.

CHRISSY: That evening was genuinely really fun for me. I had a great time. The rest of the night was spent with Warren. We had a fantastic time. You'd expect things to be awkward between us but they weren't. We danced and we laughed and I made sure I didn't throw up again and then he drove us home. Again, just us two in the car. We weren't weird about it, but I could tell there was something on his mind.

WARREN: Honestly, I was thinking about what Daisy said. I thought she was crazy. It was sort of a, 'what was she implying?' type thing. It's an interesting thing to look back on, knowing now what was to come.

She's With The Band (Warren Rojas x Fem!OC) [DJTS]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin