5 - THE ZOO (1976)

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LEWIS: It had been days. No one wondered where she went. No one. I would wait outside for her. The internet wasn't a thing yet, I couldn't just call her cell phone. I didn't know where she was so I literally had no way to contact her. And no one seemed to care.

EDDIE: We all cared, we were just more rational than Campbell was. I remember maybe 6 or 7 days after the party, there was shouting outside. Not bad shouting, just shouting. And not from one person, but a big group of girls.. There was loud music. Coming from a radio. We could hear it.

"KHJ LOS ANGELES.. Good morning, it's 6 o'clock, this is Charlie Tuna," - a guitar riff played that seemed to shake the windows. This wasn't uncommon, people heading home from parties passed the house all the time. What was weird was that it didn't just pass by. This car stayed in front of the house. The boss jock on the radio told a little joke as the beginning of Stay With Me by Rod Stewart came on. There was a car door opening and shutting as the shouting got louder with high pitched giggly voices, but the car seemed to stay stationary. Lewis was asleep on the couch, but rolled off in an attempt to wake himself up. He could hear a conversation between someone who was now on the porch and the girls in the car. "Hurry up berry!" Who tf was Berry and why were they on the porch???

"I know just shhh!!!" This 'berry' shouted back. Lewis tried to stand up but decided to fall back onto the couch. Were they being robbed? It's not like there was anything to take. He heard the door open but he was already too far into falling back asleep to want to do anything. "Lewiss!?" He heard someone in a hushed voice whisper. "I'm going out with some friends but I felt I should check innn!" The speaker slurred their words.

Lewis peeled his eyes open to see a woman standing over him. Her hair was shaggy, curly, and knotted, and her eyebrows seemed shaven. She had a blue eyeshadow around her eyes that traveled up her face, and a mauve blush that sat like clouds all the way up her cheekbones into her forehead. He blinked a few times as the blur left his vision, and he realized it was none other than Christine. He jumped up.

CHRISSY: You know Pamala Des Barnes, Bebe Buell. A name like "Christine Wallace" didn't fit in. Sounded to pristine. One of my girl friends at the time came up with Chrissy Berry. Berry as in Chuck, and Chrissy so no one got confused and thought 'chris berry' was a man.

"Chris?" Lewis rubbed his eyes as he fixed his posture and grabbed hold of her shoulders. "Yess Lewiss" She whispered. "What the hell did you do to your hair?" He groaned as he felt the poofy shaggy mop on her head. "Oh, don't you worry, it's not cut or anything." She said as he ran his fingers past the knots and tangles. He took a good look at her face as he noticed her eyebrows were still there, just hidden in powder and creme. "Who did your makeup? Where the hell have you been the past 2 weeks? What is wrong with you? Why didn't you call??" He stood up as his voice started to raise. He took a really good look at her. She was still wearing that stupid "Keep on truckin'" shirt, but now it had been untucked, and seemed almost like a loose ultra-mini dress. She was wearing super short dark red hot pants that fit like briefs, and a clunky belt that sat on her hips. She was wearing tall, gold heels with thick straps and at least a 5 inch platform. She had a small bag in her hand. "Uhh.. my friend did my makeup, I've been sorta everywhere..." "Are you drunk? It's 6am!"

A pillow flew across the room, smacking Lewis in the head. "Shut the fuck up campbell.. Some people have places to be today.." There was a groan from a sleepy, shirtless, Eddie Loving. "Ed!" Christine ran over to him and gave him a messy kiss on the cheek along with a sluglike, hanging hug around his side. He looked at her for a moment, then ruffled her hair and kissed her forehead. "Glad to have you back chris.." she let go of him and he went back to his room.

The car outside let out a long annoying honk followed by several shorter honks. "C'mon berry!!" Some of the girls shouted. "Who's Berry?" Lewis asked. "I am" "What?"

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