4 - KEEP ON TRUCKIN' (1976)

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WARREN: The first time she came to my boat, it was fun. Obviously. And the next morning she was wearing the same clothes she had on the night before. It was some tight, tight denim bell bottoms, with what was supposed to be a vest, but she wore it as a top. She cut out a star on the back so, although she was sexy as hell, I knew she'd be freezing. I lent her one of my few t-shirts.

CHRISSY: It said.. "Keep on truckin'" with little dudes on it walking with a little groovy funk... he said his uncle gave it to him. The cartoon was by the guy who did the Cheap Thrills cover for Joplin and the Big Brother Holding Co.   It was really comfy, and it.. not to sound weird or anything, but it had a nice smell to it. Like a musk sort of, but not in a sweaty way. I think I might still have it in one of my drawers. Don't tell him that. He'd kill me. He asked me about it back in like '92-ish when we were going through a photo album with Sienna, and I was in the back with it on. I told him we must have lost it in the fire. We've never had a fire.

WARREN: I felt bad, it was old, super faded, and it wasn't really like.. fashionable, but it was the first one I found. We were already running late. And it wasn't half bad, it was an R. Crumb! When I was in high school, my tio Felipe gave me it, puede él descansar en paz.. I loved that damn shirt. She told me she hadn't washed it yet, when I asked for it back a few weeks later. Any time it came up she'd say like.. "Oh shit, I forgot" or something along those lines. I think she just wanted to keep it. After a little bit, I let her. I asked again once a few years back, but she said she lost it in a fire. I thought that was funny. I saw it in the box we kept the old 'relics' in.. I was going through it because someone asked to see our photos for a project.

KAREN: Warren and Chris had started to get very close. They were with each other all the time. They had been screwing, they had been talking, they had been flirting, but they weren't dating. Warren was such a sweetheart, he wasn't the kind to have a long-term fling. Like, friends-with benefits was not at all his style. She seemed fine with having no strings attached. Not in a negative way or anything, it was just casual. But showing up to the shoot in his t-shirt? We all thought that meant they were together.. Until she was leaving with Mick Riva later that night.. God, I hate him.

EDDIE: They were always hanging around each other. Warren signed other girl's tits and everything but he wasn't sleeping around as much. I remember telling him once, "You know Chris is still a groupie, right?" And he just.. Nodded. Like he scrunched up his face and kinda just.. [awkward nod]

GRAHAM: Oh, Warren was totally whipped. 100% And don't even get me started on Lewis! God!

LEWIS: I took my camera to the photoshoot. The one Camila got me for Christmas in '75. It was nice. I wasn't planning on going but when Eddie was getting ready to leave he was rushing me too. So I went. And it was fun. At first.

BILLY: We went up to the top of this totally random desert hill, and Daisy was late as per usual. We got some good photos of the band. Yknow, "The Six." Freddie wasn't into it. But Lewis got great photos of us individually, and he had great photos of everyone just goofing off. Camila was helping him, and then she was taking her own photos. Hers were more artsy, more professional, his were more fun, really memorable. I loved Cami's skill. It was fantastic. She was gorgeous, her art was beautiful, you could feel the personality in the frame. The photo was taken by someone close. Not just some stranger. Anyways.. Yeah Daisy took forever but showed up eventually, and Freddie got some good photos of the group.

KAREN: Daisy showed up late and we took so many photos as a group. They moved us around. They put Billy and Daisy next to each other, and then they forgot about the rest of us. We were standing against like a huge rock boulder type thing, on a steep incline on the side of the mountain. Freddie wasn't even trying to pretend to take photos of the rest of us. Thank god for Lewis. He might've been following this girl around with his jaw on the ground and his heart thump-thumping out of his body.. But at least he knew how to cheer us up. I felt bad for him, at that point. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't hoping for them to get together or anything. And I'm definitely not against Chris. Chrissy was this incredible chick, absolutely incredible. She had her moments, but she was one of the best people I knew. I went to get coffee with her the other day. But Lewis, he was so in love. So in love. He did everything for her, and she didn't feel the same way, at all. It was sad, sort of.

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