3 - THE ROXY (1976)

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EDDIE: Those whole sessions took so long. We'd be in the studio all day and Billy and Daisy would come in with a fully new and composed song that had no room for any of us to do anything on. Billy had to have everything his way, and Daisy was aiding his ego. But that changed as they worked together.. I remember when Daisy played 'Regret Me' for us all. It was incredible. She was.. I mean she was wailing.. [chuckles] Billy hated it. We took a vote and recorded it without him. Until, of course, we needed his vocals. Teddy made him do it.

WARREN: It was incredible, I mean the drama wasn't the best thing ever, but what was fun was recording something new all the time, things that would really make people feel something. They came up with like 7 songs in one week, once. It was fantastic.

GRAHAM: We finished the basis of each song. We were already doing final touches, but it was still considered a "raw cut". Close to finished, but not quite there yet. Rod and Teddy had already started calling magazines for promotion. Teddy set us up with a photographer friend of his, Freddie Mendoza. And Jonah Berg came back for an article in rolling stone fucking magazine, man. Things were looking pretty good.

DAISY: We ended up with Jonah again.

BILLY: Daisy asked for Jonah Berg back.

CHRISSY: Warren came up with the idea of shooting it on his boat that was docked out on Marina Del Rey. It was then that I realized he even owned a boat.

GRAHAM: By then, me and Karen had rented a little cabin and moved out, waiting for our parts to be over, recording-wise. It was great. Just me and the girl I loved.

EDDIE: I remember once, I was leaving the studio and I forgot my jacket or something, so I went back in and I heard two people screwing in the bathroom! I just thought, 'who the fuck is getting action in here of all places?" And then, I heard Graham's voice. And I caught a glimpse of Karen's hair through the crack in the door. Then I just ran out of there. I was smiling by the time I was home. I was happy for them, I thought they were going to get married. They just made sense to me for some reason.

GRAHAM: No one knew about us. No one. Not even my brother.

CHRISSY: Oh I knew. I was a real keen observer back in the day, still am, obviously.. Camila was the only person who knew before I did, but she spent more time with them than I.

WARREN: I loved that little houseboat. I'd docked it on the coast of Marina Del Rey. Still do love boats, obviously. [we were on a boat during this interview..] But god. you get cabin fever so quickly when you're alone... I stayed in it all the time but I slept at the house a lot too. Chris was there. It was easy and I loved staying with Eddie. Campbell was the only negative. Until of course, he wasn't. But we'll get to that later on.

EDDIE: Living with Warren was like.... Well, I used to have a brother, Pete. He was in the band for a minute, too. On strings (guitar). We were the same. Both of us being constantly pushed down. He quit early. Joined the army. Died a week after Chuck. [shrug] Life goes on. [...] Anyways, living with Warren reminded me of living with Pete. I wasn't mad about that. What upset me.. Was actually mainly Lewis. Yeah. He was totally whipped. So was Warren, but Warren knew he had no shot. [smiles]

BILLY: We were going to shoot on the boat, I thought that was cool, so did Warren. But Freddie Mendoza, the photographer, listened to the album and said he "saw it in the desert," whatever the fuck that means.. But it worked. So we planned it all out.

LEWIS: It was two nights before the shoot that Warren had.. Since I found out they had been.. You know.

CHRISSY: God. That weekend was horrible. The day before we went out, Lewis kinda went crazy on me. Not terribly but.. it happened. It was sort of freeing, in a way.

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