Stay With Me | 11

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The streets were filled with red brake lights, honking horns, and endless conversations as I threw my hands in my pockets. "Thanks for having dinner with me." I looked up at Joe and smiled as he kept up with my pace. "No problem at all. It was fun!" He pulled out his phone and opened it to reveal his front camera. "How about a photo to remember the night?" I stopped in my tracks and smiled wide for the photo. I heard the camera capture our memories as he opened the contacts app. "What's your phone number? I will send it to you." I laughed and entered my number into his phone. When I handed it back to him, I noticed him add a pink heart after my name and then lock his phone and put it back in his pocket. My tiredness got the best of me, causing me to let out a very noticeable yawn. Unfortunately we were over an hour away from my apartment. We walked to the restaurant from his apartment, where I left my car. "You're tired. You shouldn't drive like that. Stay with me. And then once you've rested, you can leave in the morning." I wiped my eyes and looked down at our feet walking in the same pattern. "I don't want to intrude." His arm wrapped around me, his warm hand making itself comfortable on my shoulder. "I insist. Actually, I refuse to let you drive. So you can either walk home, or stay with me. Not to persuade you, but I do have a super comfy guest bed." His smile pierced my heart like a dagger. I ignored the butterflies forming and nodded. "Thank you. I guess I am staying with you."
"Here's a change of clothes. They're mine so they might be big on you. Also towels for a shower are in the bathroom." I tucked my curls behind my ear and smiled. "Thank you for your generosity, Joe." He whispered in my ear as he went to walk out of the room, "Anytime at all, ever." The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and with that, he was gone. I shook off the chills and headed for the shower. I quickly undressed and looked around, realizing there was no soap. I wrapped myself in one of the big towels, hoping soap would be in one of the cabinets but just my luck, it wasn't. I headed back into the guest room to search for my phone, realizing I didn't have Joe's number. Only he had mine. My door swung open as I jumped back, finding a shirtless Joe, deep in thought. "Lex! I never gave you ..." His jaw was dropped and quite frankly so was mine. The silence between us was hard to read. I could say mine was shock that he barged in, but it was shock that the Joe Jonas was standing in front of me half naked. He shook his head and held out his hand, revealing soap. "I never gave you soap. I'm so sorry. I should've knocked." I shook my head and grabbed it from him. "No worries. Thank you. I was just looking for some." His face turned a soft pink as he smiled and left the room.
I stayed in the water a while before actually taking a shower. If I'm being honest, I was replaying the day in my head. Every moment of Joe, causing my heart to grow. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone dinging twice. I sighed and lathered myself in soap.

*New iMessage*
You're absolutely gorgeous
message unsent

Attachment: 1 Image

I got into bed and opened my phone, finding the picture of Joe and I in my messages. I set it as his photo and added him to my contacts. I could've swore I heard my phone ping twice, but no other notifications came up. I shrugged and slipped under the covers, falling quickly asleep.

Headlock | Joe JonasWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt