Super Jealous | 12

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I woke up to a knock on the door and the sun peering through the curtains. "Come in." To my surprise, Joe was standing in the doorway with a tray of breakfast and a wide smile. "Good morning, Lex." I patted the bed next to me and smiled back. "Good morning, Joe." He sat down and slid the tray onto my lap gently. "I made you a little bit of everything because I didn't know what you liked." I brought my knees to my chest and handed him a forkful of the hot waffle. "We can share all of this food. There's plenty." He smiled and accepted the bite. "What are you doing today? Seeing your dad?" I grabbed a piece of bacon and shook my head. "Actually, no. It's my day off, I guess you could call it. His golf friends are visiting him today so I get the day to myself." Joe didn't want to ask her to spend another day with him but he secretly hoped it would be her choice. "Remind me to ask your dad to go golfing when he heals up." I nodded as I took a bite. "He'd love that. What are you doing today?" Stealing some fruit from my plate, he leaned in. "I have no plans today." My heart didn't want to leave Joe but it also didn't want to be rejected if I asked to spend more time with him. Ultimately I'd be more mad at myself if I didn't ask. "Would you like to maybe head over to my art gallery with me? I could use some help hanging up a big canvas." His bright smile nearly made my insides melt. "Of course. I'd love to."
"You own your own gallery?" Joe's mouth was wide as his eyes wandered around the painted walls.
"I do. It's just something I do to calm myself. Haven't been here in a minute though, with taking care of my dad." I flicked all of the lights on and added some life into the room. His fingertips graze the colored canvases in awe. "This is amazing. What did you need me to lift for you?" I slid my hands into the back pockets of my jeans and shrugged my shoulders. "If I'm being honest, I didn't actually need help. I just wanted to hang out. All of my canvases are hung up." Joe removed the space between our bodies, pushing a curl behind my ear. "If you wanted to hang out, all you had to do was ask." My heartbeat slowed, his touch making my knees weak. "Well.. now I know for the future."
Hours has passed as we took turns asking each other questions. The night air grew cold and the gallery wasn't as bright as it was when we entered. "We should head out soon. I'm getting hungry."

Joe nodded and handed me his phone with the camera app open. "We've gotta take a selfie to commemorate our time together." I smiled wide as he ran and stood far behind me in the background with his tongue out. As I captured the photo, I couldn't help but see the text message that Joe received from Nick.

*New Message*
Nick J
Dude just tell her that you like her, Liz is great.

Nick had stayed calling Lex by the name of Liz because it was funny to him. Him and Joe used it as a way to talk about Lex without revealing his actual feelings to anyone around him.

I quickly gave him his phone back, hoping he didn't know that I saw his brothers text. However, I did confirm two things. 1, Joe didn't like me and 2, I was suddenly super jealous of Liz.

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