Grilled Cheese Over Facetime | 15

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HI LOVES ❤️ we're almost at 1k reads. Thank you so much!!! Comment which POV you'd like the next chapter from. Lex , Nick, Joe or Kevin!!!

okay onto the story!!!  😊

"Lex? What's going on? Who is it?"

The water falling from his clothes were making a noticeable puddle on the floor.

"I'm sorry. I thought you'd be alone." I hung my head. "Brooke and I are spending the weekend together."

"Lex??? Why aren't you answering? Who is it?" I looked back at him and moved to the side so he could come in. "Relax Brooke... it's Joe."

He flashed his signature smirk and stepped into the apartment. "Come with me. I'll get you a towel." I watched Brooke's eyes follow us to my room before shutting the door.

"Joe, what are you doing here?"

I grabbed a towel from my closet and handed it to him. He dried his hair and face as he spoke up. "I couldn't stop thinking about you." My body subconsciously folded my arms for me as I rolled my eyes. "Shouldn't you be somewhere with Liz right now?"

I saw his body sulk. "You can't think I'm crazy when I tell you this, Lex. Promise me."

"What do you mean?"

"Just promise me." He held out his pinky to me, his eyes stuck with mine. I intertwined our fingers and waited for him to speak. "You're Liz." My face grew confused. "I'm Lex." Our pinky's stayed together as he sat on the towel on my bed. "You're Liz. Nick couldn't remember your name when he first met you. And we kept it going because I didn't want everyone to know I liked you. In case you didn't like me back. I didn't want to make it awkward for you or make you not want to come around if you had turned me down. So people thought I was interested in Liz instead."

What is he saying? Was I jealous of myself? Why couldn't he just say that I was Liz.

"Why couldn't you just say I was Liz when I asked?"

"I don't know.. I thought you'd think I was crazy and not want to hang out anymore. I was overthinking the whole situation."

"So why are you here?" He stood up, backing me up against the wall, placing his hands at my waist. "Because I haven't talked to you in weeks. I think about you every day and I haven't gotten to talk to you."

My breath was slow. I think I'm in shock. Why couldn't this happen 2 weeks ago when I wanted it to. Do I still want this? Do I still want him?

His grip on my waist got tighter as he looked into my eyes. I tried to look away but I was mesmerized and I had no intentions of breaking the contact.

"I haven't heard your laugh in two weeks. Or watched you laugh at the movies we watch. I haven't seen you dance happily while making a grilled cheese over FaceTime. I haven't seen your smile in two weeks. And it doesn't seem like a lot, but when you're used to something, two weeks is a long time."

"Let's get you into some dry clothes."

Oh, and I retract my statement from the diner...
Liz should be super jealous of me.

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