Drenched Curls | 14

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His silence was so loud. This was a mistake. Why did I ask him that? He probably thinks I am crazy. The worst part about it was that I could see him calculating his answer which made me sad. This gave me all of the clarity I needed and I no longer wanted to know his answer.

"Nevermind." I cleared my throat and thanked the gods that the waitress came to check on us.

"Can I get you guys anything else?" I shook my head and took out my wallet. Joe pushed my hand down and handed her his card. "I got it."

Brooke was over for the weekend and we decided to watch all of the "High School Musical" movies over again. I don't care how old I get, these were part of my childhood as much as Cinderella was. The thunder and pouring rain were making it the perfect night to stay in and enjoy each other's company.

"I will make the popcorn. You grab the blankets because you know we're gonna fall asleep."

I placed the bowl on the coffee table and handed her a bottle of water. We were halfway through the movie when I noticed Brooke staring at me.

She paused the movie and faced me sternly. "Have you spoken to Joe?" I sighed. "No. Can we just watch the movie please?" To be honest with you, I was doing everything in my power to distract myself from the thought of Joe, and I think I've done pretty well considering it has been two weeks since I've seen him or spoken to him.

"Has he tried to call?"

"Yes. Multiple times."

"Has he texted you?"

"Quite a lot."

My heart ached now that she reminded me of my surpressed feelings. Brooke hit play as I snuggled up in the blanket and let my sadness consume me. "Lex, you are going to have to talk to him about it some time."

I rolled my eyes and looked at her. "Talk about what? How I thought I might've had a chance with him? That ship has sailed. He's probably dating Liz. And that's okay. I've accepted it."
An hour later, we both were dozing off when there was a knock on the door.

"It's literally 11pm. Who could that even be?"

I shrugged my shoulders and got up. "I don't know. It's a literal thunder storm outside. Who would be traveling in this anyway?"

The knock was heard again. "I'm coming!" I tiptoed to the door, slowly opening it.

I looked up to find drenched curls and a shy smile.

"Sorry it's late. Can I come in?"

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