❤️You Embarass Yourself

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If there was one thing you weren't good at, it was cooking. Even though you can't cook, you wanted to do something nice and make L a cake since he's been stressing over work.

"Ok so this goes in the blender then?" You asked yourself, reading the box directions.

You put the batter in the blender and added some milk to blend it and turned the blender on...but forgot to place the top lid.

You screamed when the batter shot out and flew everywhere, coating you and everything in sight. You quickly turned the device off and gasped when you saw L rush in after hearing you scream.

He saw you and chuckled. You blushed and wiped some batter off your face.

You were hanging out with Light and was reading a story you found to him.

Sometimes when you read, you would get tongue tied and slip up. Today was one of those days.

"Ellie then traveled to Vagina-I mean VIRGINIA! VIRGINIA!" You yelled while face palming.

"Okay good. I was concerned for a second on what kind of story I was listening to." Light laughed.

"Pft," You said embarrassed. "Story sucks anyway..."

"I thought you said you wouldn't play Wii with me again?" Matt smirked as you grabbed the remotes.

"Shut up. I'm bored." You groaned.

Next thing, you two were battling it out on boxing.

"Ha! I'm beating you-" You were about to yell in victory when the remote slipped out of your hand and smacked you right in the face.

Matt started laughing when you clutched your face and fell to the floor.

You and Mello were walking through town when you both were arguing over what movie was better.

"That movie sucked though! The actors were horrible and the plot didn't make sense!" You told him.

Mello narrowed his eyes. "That movie is a classic!"

You were going to make another argument when you ran into a pole. Groaning in pain, you hid your face in embarrassment.

"That's what you get!" Mello said while laughing.

You were chasing your new kitten around Near's apartment. Near watched as you two played and he shook his head.

"(Y/n), you're going to slip since you're wearing socks." He warned.

You continued to try to grab your pet. "I'll be fi-" You were about to say until you slipped on the wood floor and fell on your back.

Near sighed and went to go help you up.

You went to go take Matsuda lunch at his work. The receptionist said she'll call him up so you waited.

Another worker came in to get some papers. "Good morning." He said.

You two made small talk when you said you're boyfriend worked here and you were bringing him lunch. "Yeah his asshole boss always works him too much. I don't like seeing him stressed."

Then Matsuda walked in and hugged you. "Thank you for lunch. Oh and I see you've met my boss." He said looking at the guy you were just talking to.

Your eyes widened at the realization and you nervously laughed. "Heh yeah.."

Death Note Boyfriend Scenarios/One Shots! (Death Note Wattys/Golden Apple 2016)Where stories live. Discover now