-How You Met

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You were getting ready to end your shift at the bakery you work at when a last minute customer walked in.

"You wouldn't mind placing one more order would you?" A male asked. You looked at him to see he was rather odd from how most people "looked." He slouched, had very dark bags under his big eyes and had fluffy, raven colored hair.

His eyes shined as he looked at all the cakes and sweets. You laughed and adjusted your apron. "Sure. What would you like?"

He put a thumb to his lip. "Three vanilla and blueberry muffins, six chocolate donuts, seven macaroons, five chocolate chip cookies, and two strawberry cakes."

You're (e/c) eyes widened. "U-uh, would that be all?"

"Hmm..." He thought for a moment. "And a box of Pocky."

You gathered his entire order which filled five pink boxes and handed it to him.

"Have a nice day!" You said.

"Why would someone incorporate letters into math?!" You asked yourself out loud.

"Sssh!" The librarian shushed you. You sighed in frustration as you ran a hand through your (h/l) (h/c) hair.

"Excuse me, do you need help?" A gentle voice asked. You looked up to see, Light Yagami. He went to college with you, but you've never talked to him before.

You smiled. "Yes please." You said, taking your opportunity for one of the smartest students to help you.

After an hour of explaining and practice, you finally understood your homework. "X is 36?" You asked.

Light grinned. "Yes!"

You cheered, despite the stuck-up librarian shushing you again. "Thanks, Light!"

"Finally, it's out!" You shouted happily as you saw the new video game you've been wanting. You stood on your tippy-toes as you tried to reach the game on the top shelf. You almost grabbed it when another hand snatched the last copy.

"Sorry, shortie. You snooze, you lose."

Turning around, you saw a tall red head, holding YOUR game. "Listen asshole! I've been waiting forever for this to come out! Now give it here!"

The guy laughed. "Small ones are feisty." 

Your want for this game is so intense, you tackled the guy to the ground, trying to get the game back.

"Security!" A worker shouted.

After getting in a fight with your mom, you decided to go for a walk to cool down.

"Can this day get any worse?" You asked yourself.

Out of nowhere, a motorcycle zooms over a puddle, causing the muddy water to splash onto your body.

"HEY!" You shouted.

The motorcycle stopped at the curb and the driver got off. "Hey, my bad. I didn't mean to." The rider took off his helmet to reveal a blond male.

"You didn't mean to?! You're on a motorcycle! Why are you so close to the sidewalk?!" You asked, your (s/c) skin turning red from anger.

The guy narrowed his blue eyes. "Look lady, I said I was sorry! Besides, you shouldn't be walking so close to the street!'

You two continued arguing over who's fault it was.

You were at a toy store, looking for a present for your niece's fourth birthday.

"I don't know what to get her." You sighed as you looked at the endless shelves of toys.

"May I make a suggestion?" A quiet voice asked. You turned your eyes to see a guy standing next to you. He was all white. His skin was pale, white hair, white shirt, white pants, white everything.

"Sure." You said. "I'm looking for a gift for my niece's fourth birthday."

"I think you should get her a stuffed animal of her liking. A stuffed animal will act as her friend when she needs a companion and someone to play with. It can also be a very sentimental item if given by someone special." The guy said.

You thought for a moment. "You know what? You're right!" You walked up to one of the shelves and grabbed a stuffed giraffe.

"Thanks!" You grinned.

You ran to the police station crying, hoping they will help you find your lost brother.

"Excuse me! I need help!" You begged in hysterics to the receptionist.

"Ma'am please calm down, what do you need help with?"

Tears streamed out of your eyes. "My brother...he hasn't returned home since yesterday morning."

The blonde lady nodded. "One second, I will get you through to the investigators."

You were now sitting in an office with two other police officers. "So you said your brother hasn't returned after his morning jog?" The chief asked.

"Yes, I thought he ended up just going to a friend's after, but none of his friends said they've seen him." You said sadly.

He nodded. "Okay, I will go file a missing person's report."

You nodded sadly and felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Don't worry, we'll find him."  The younger officer said with a bright smile. You smiled back and looked at his name tag to see his name was, Matsuda.

Death Note Boyfriend Scenarios/One Shots! (Death Note Wattys/Golden Apple 2016)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora