❤️They Ask You On A Date

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You and L have known each other for about  five months now. Everyday, you two get closer and closer. You like him and he likes you, but of course, both of you keep that to your selves.

You were at home, watching TV when the doorbell rang.

"Oh, hey!" You greeted as you found L on the other side.

He was wearing his usual jeans and white long sleeve. "Hello, (y/n). May I come in?

You nodded and stepped to the side so he can enter.

"So what are you doing here?" You asked curiously.

He hesitated before answering, scared that he'll be denied. "I would like to know...if you want to go out to dinner tomorrow evening?"

Your face turned red as you blushed. By "going out" you knew he meant date.

"I would love to,L." You smiled.

"Excellent." He said with a smile of his own.

For once, you finally convinced Light to take a break from studying and go to town with you.

"See, Light. Isn't it good to relax every once in a while?" You asked and looked at the shops.

"Well it's not really relaxing when you are crowded with a bunch of people around." He said.

You glared. "Just look at the bright side of things, not the dark side."

Light smirked. "Well since you say that, you can't possibly deny me. Let's go on a date this Saturday."

You eyes widened but then narrowed."I hate how you always find loopholes." You blushed.

He laughed knowing that, that was a yes.

As always, you and Matt were playing video games.

"HA! I won this time!" You cheered as you watched the "victory" title pop up on the screen. Matt silently laughed because you didn't realize that he let you win.

"Hmm..." Matt hummed. "Okay let's bet. If I win, you have to do what I want. If you win, I do what you want." He suggested, already knowing your fate.

"Let's go!" You shouted with determination.

Both of your guy's characters battled to the death. Your focus was on the game. Nothing was going to step in your way.

Matt smirked as his character's sword stabbed your character, ending his life.

"Whaaa?" You said in shock.

"Looks like I win." Matt said. "Now for my prize...you have to...go out with me this weekend."

You blushed and muttered a "fine," even though you were quite happy.

Mello being Mello, he isn't really afraid to do or say anything.

"I need to go pick something up really quick, (y/n). Oh and  we're going out on a date Thursday so don't forget." He said as he walked out the front door.

You sat there, shocked and red faced.

"I know you like her, Near." Halle said to her cousin.

Near sighed. "I would like it if you did not interfere with my business."

"And they way she acts around you, I can tell (y/n) likes you back." The blonde woman said.

You walked back from the restroom to see an annoyed Near and a smirking Halle. ""Uh, did I miss something?"

"Near wants to ask you something." Halle quickly said.

Near stood quiet for a moment before asking you. "(y/n), I wanted to know if you would like to go on an outing tomorrow afternoon?"

Halle rolled her eyes. "An OUTING?! Seriously, Near? You couldn't have just said date?!"

You giggled. "I would love to."

Matsuda knew how stressed you've been lately and hated seeing you this way. After all, he did have a crush on you. He knew how to make you feel better.

"U-uh, (y/n)?"

"Yes, Matsuda?" You asked.

"You've been really sad lately so I was w-wondering if you'd like to relax and go on a d-date?" He asked, blushing like a mad man. "W-well you don't have to if you don't want! I don't want to force you into anything!"

You grinned and nodded. "Of course, Matsuda."

Death Note Boyfriend Scenarios/One Shots! (Death Note Wattys/Golden Apple 2016)Where stories live. Discover now