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I wake to the sound of rats and water dripping from the ceiling. I rush to my feet,where i'am! Its dark and humid its a small room with metal bars it looks like a cell, I walk toward to the metal bars as i touch it it sends me flying toward the wall I hit the wall hard i stay on the ground until i can catch my breath. The bars must be protected with dark magic i must get out! i start out with one of my light spells' "MAGIC THATS DARK AS NIGHT UNDO YOURSELF BEFORE THE LIGHT" even before the spell can reach the metal bars it repels it toward me it sends me flying backward i hit the wall once again this time even harder as i lay in pain, i hear footsteps coming in my direction.

You're awake! Says a female

Silence is my only respond! as the person makes its way toward me she starts talking.

Well theres no point in not saying who I'am my name is Glendora Black says Glendora with a smile on her face

Shes tall with black long hair it go's all the way to her hips a small face long nose and full lips and really dark eyes they cloud be black but its dark inhere so I'm not sure.Glendora Black i heard that name before my father used to talk about how evil she was Yes! was is the key word.

I heard you were dead i say in a low voice

You're not mistaken i was dead but my coven brought me back say Glendora with pride in her eyes

What do you what from me,I say with curiosity

Simple all you're magic. says Glendora
And with that she leaves

All my magic well thats just great i need to get out of here! so try again but with a different spell same results so i keep trying again and again nothing! if i keep this up I'm gonna be to weak to fight Glendora and the coven if i can get out that is,I stand once more theres haves to be away to break this spell. As i start chanting i fall to the ground I'm to weak to continue i must rest at least until i regain my strength so i lay down on the floor.

Tired to soon warlock says Glendora i must say i thought you were stronger then that.

I stand without thinking and cast one of my strongest spells she thinks I'm weak il give her weak i start chanting
"MOON AND EARTH I DRAW ON YOUR LIGHT AND POWER BREAK THIS DARK SPELL RELESE ME AND SHINE LIGHT WHERE THERE'S ONLY DARKES" once again i'm on the ground searching for air why didn't it work i said it perfectly there were no errors how can this be.

Stupid warlock this spell cant be undone with light magic it can only be undone with dark magic and every time you do a spell it take your magic piece by piece thats why you're so weak honestly i thought you'd be more than this you disappoint Theloneas. Well theres no need in dragging this any farther. says Glendora

Then she walks away

As i watch her leave i feel so stupid for not noticing that the spell on the bars was taking my magic! my eyes start to get heavy i need to stay awake i cant fall asleep just like that theres only darkness.When i wake iam in the center of a circle of black candles and a circle of salt.The hole coven is standing around me and Glendora is right in front of me as she starts chanting i feel my magic getting weaker i must fight the spell.I have to for my daughter.Then it hits me MY DAUGHTER! I start chanting but only in my head i cant let her take my magic so i'm sending it to my daughter she wont even notice what i'm doing she is to concentrated on her on spell to realize what I'm doing,when she is about to finish i tell her.

You will never have my magic its two late dark witch, i say with a smile

When she finish her spell all my magic is gone but not into her it went to my daughter.

What did you do you little shit.says Glendora with anger

I already told you.You will never have my magic i'l rather die before letting you have it witch.

So be it warlock. say Glendora with hate en her voice

Before i can respond her hand is inside my chest pulling my heart out she holds it in front of me to let me know i'm gonna die!

Glendora crushes theloneas heart as his lifeless body lies on the ground she starts shouting at the coven.

Why didn't it work? Says Glendora

The hole coven is in silence until one speaks up, maybe he did something before you finish the spell he did say that is was two late before you finish chanting. says Jenavie

If he did do something he did it well cause we didn't notice. says Carrie with sincerity

Mark my words i wont rest until i find he's magic and when i do who ever have's it is dead!! Says Glendora with hate in her eyes.


Hii everyone i hope you enjoyed the prologue i be adding chapters every week or so! So comment and vote please no hate i'm not a pro at writing so go easy on me! :)
Love Marymar💕

Btw if i misspell any words I'm sorry
Thanks for reading! :)

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