Chapter 12

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Aiden P.O.V

I was sitting in the living room with Adam and Tori watching TV American Horror story its my sisters favorite show so i watch with her i kinda like it two.when all the sudden the door burst open and four dark witches come in and attack Adam he fall to the ground and tori runs to warn my father i jump toward them in mid air i turn into my wolf form and land onto and dark witch she haves blonde and bright green eyes i try to bite her but she trows me off of her i take a my position ready to attack.Adam in beside me in his wolf form he's fur is brown like his hair.we circle the blonde witch ready to attack she trows a black ball of light and we block it Adam jump and lands a bite to her arm i attack too and bite her leg she screams and one of the other ones come to help her i jump back to protect Adam while he fights with the blonde dark witch.In front of me i have a Burnett with golden eyes she attacks me and i attack her then they all start chanting and we cant do anything,Father is fighting with a honey blonde dark witch along side him is Tori,the rest of the pack are circling the fighting and waiting for an a portunative to fathers third and fourth are fighting with the last dark witch she haves black hair.Theres one missing if this is the coven thats after Serena then Glendora must be with Serena i turn to run thats when we appear in a place i've never thought to be real its Dark and humid theres threes all around were in a forest.The Dark witches are gone were all standing here ready to attack but theres nobody here only us.i turn to my father and he haves a worried expression and that makes me even more desperate.

Where are we says Tori

Were in The forest of the dead says my father

What!! i thought this place was a myth.says Kevin

Its not its as real as you and me says Father

How do we get out.says Leslie

There is no way out.says Adam

What says Mele, Amber and Emily at the same time

Theres haves to be says Kevin

There is says Brandon

How do you know says Carlos

I studied this land all my life theres a way out but its not easy.says Brandon

How i say i need to get back to my mate she is in danger

We need to sacrifice one of our own in order to leave the forest it wont let us leave with out taking someone in return.says Brandon

We aren't leaving anybody here.say Father

We might have to.says brandon

We all stay silent it feels like forever before someone speak up.i want to leave i need to get to Serena if something happened's to her while im here i don't now what i'l do.

I now what we can do put its a little risky.says Randy

What says father

We can summon a fairy to take us back.Randy reply

What are crazy.i say there not the best magical creatures to trust

Thats our only hope.says Randy

Very well them lets do it.says father

But father.says Tori

No buts Tori it is what it is now do it Randy

Yes alpha says Randy and starts getting ready for the summoning of a fairy.

It feels like forever before Randy says he's ready i don't want to do this but its nesecery if not i cant go back to Serena and my wolf is restless i cant stay still all i'm thinking is her in my arms safe i have to go back the man is not that happy either.

Its ready Alpha i need your blood.says Randy

My father nods and walk toward randy ,Randy cuts my fathers hand and blood fall to the ground where randy carved the symbol for summoning a fairy.Randy is half Warlock thats why he can do magic he's mother was a witch and his father was a werewolf but they died a long time ago in the dark ages it was the war of the vampire and werewolf after the vampires fell and werewolf won my father became Alpha and toke him in and raise him as a son he's like 200 years older than me.Werewolf can live along time without ageing thats why we cant be we humans.

When my fathers blood fell on the symbol a bright light appears before us its a fairy she is pale white with blue eyes and white hair she beautiful but sometimes deadly.

Why do you summon me to this dark place wolf.says the fairy

We need your help.says my Father

Proceed she say

We were trap here by a coven of dark witches the leader is Glendora Black.says Father

I see and what do you want me to do!she ask

We need you to take us back to our world To our home in Blackwoods.say father

The fairy looks at us and thinks and thinks she doesn't say a thing then she speaks.

I shall grant you this request but i will not be present in the fight against the coven of dark witches so do you accept my offer.says the fairy

Yes we accept.says Father thank you

She nods and says everybody turn into your wolf form you must be the same as you came we turn and wait for her to continue alright don't move or you could die understood we all nod and she waves her hands then a bright lights and goes and we are back i see serena and the coven i run to her and stand in front of the dark witches ready to attack i see they have Josh serenas little brother.

Aiden move please they have Josh.says Serena

I dont move i'm not putting her in danger she is more important to me and my wolf wouldn't allow it even if i wanted to he's to angry to reason with.i see the rest of the pack stand around me facing toward the coven i hear Glendora say something to the coven then their gone with Josh.Serena screams his name and i turn toward her she on the ground i can feel her pain and all i want to do is comfort her so i turn back into my human form and i say Im sorry Serena she looks at me and it breaks my heart she jumps in my arms and i hug her back and say we will get him back i promise then i feel her body go still she fainted in the back i can hear Serena's mother she crying and Ami is hugging her.I grab Serena and take her inside i lay her on my bed i dry her tears and kiss her forehead i cover her and get some clothe then i go down stairs.

Tori watch Serena for me please.i say

She nods and goes up to my room i walk outside and i talk to Linda what happened i say

She looks at me and says Glendora attack our home she first she grab josh then she fought with Karina,Serena told us to go upstairs and hide in her room then to go threw the window and come find you i tried to tell her it was a bad idea to come with us but she didnt want to leave Karina so we did after we where outside we heard a loud noise and then we saw Serena caring Karina we ran here and Serena and Ami went inside to look for you then that monster appeared and grab us Serena and Ami came out and she said to let us go and the monster said that Serena had to go with her or she will kills us so Serena agreed she let me go first then Karina but when Serena was about to go in place of Josh you guys came and they left with My baby.

Im sorry but will get him back you can count on us.i say to her she nods and keeps crying then says where Serena she in my room with Tori second floor to the left she smile and stand then walks in side.


How"s your mate says father

shes fine thanks

Good now lets get all this mess cleaned up so we can come up with a plan to save josh.

Yes lets get to work.i say


Hii everyone I hope you enjoyed!!! ✌

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With love Marymar💕

Btw sorry if i misspell anything not a pro ;) Byeee

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