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"So this is really it, huh?" Nate said as he sighed heavily as he looked at the ring in the palm of his hand. He had asked me to keep it, but I just couldn't.

I don't know why it took me so long to realize that I loved Lucas. Maybe because I felt guilty for hurting Nate or something, but I had been such an idiot, and I'd lead Nate along as well which made me feel even horrible

"I'm so sorry, Nate." I whispered as I looked him in the eye and sighed "Please know that this is in no way your fault; I just..." I sighed heavily since I didn't know what else to say!

"You really do love him, don't you?" He asked and I slowly nodded "He's a really lucky guy." He added with a sigh as he stood up "I guess I'll have to move out soon, then?" He said with a laugh as I stood up as well to wrap my arms around his neck

"You're going to find an amazing girl and she's going to be so lucky to have you." I whispered and I felt him sigh into my neck "I know I was lucky to be loved by you; you made me have hope in love again." I added softly as I pulled away "I really don't know how to thank you for that."

"Don't forget about me?" He suggested and I shook my head

"Never." I answered as I hugged him tightly one last time "Friends?" I added and winced slightly since this was weird; he noticed my awkwardness and he chuckled softly

"I really hope he makes you happy." He said softly "Please be happy." He added with a small smile "You're a beautiful person and it's a waste to see you sad 90% of the time." I nodded softly as I smiled

"Thank you for everything, Nate." I said and he nodded softly

"Go on and get your man before I change my mind." He said jokingly as he nudged my shoulder slightly and I giggled as I walked back towards the party

"What was that about?" Dinah immediately asked as soon as I stepped back into the room as she gripped onto my arms "Did you decide? Is it Nate?" She said excitedly

"It's Lucas." I breathed and she squealed slightly as she hugged me tightly "Whoa!" I exclaimed with a giggle

"I'm so happy for you!" She said excitedly as she jumped up and down like a kid "Finally, after so many years you get to have your happy ending!" She said happily "And with your one true love!"

"You really are crazy, D." I said as I shook my head with a laugh

"What are you standing around here for?! Go find you man, tell him you love him and kiss the hell out of him!" She said as she pushed me away, causing me to stumble slightly

I eventually found him by the bar talking to Dani. Oh God, I felt so nervous! Telling Lucas I loved him after so many years was a big deal!

"She's it for me, Dani." I faintly heard him say and my heart skipped a couple beats when I caught what he had said.

Did he really mean that? I was it for him? Oh God, now I was even more nervous than before. When his gaze met mine, my breath caught at my throat and my mouth felt like it was dry.

Dani left and as soon as she was gone, I felt like it was only him and I in the room. He looked really handsome tonight; I'd only seen him in a suit at my father's funeral and tonight.

"Care to dance?"



We were now dancing and neither one of us had said anything; she was dancing in my arms to the beat of the slow song. Her head was rested on my chest as mine was on the crook of her neck. It felt like I was in heaven. I was so crazy in love with this girl it was unreal

"You okay?" I whispered into her ear "You haven't said anything in a while." I added and I instantly felt nervous. Was she doing this because she had chosen Nate? Would this really be the moment we say goodbye?

"You want to know something?" She said and I nodded slowly "I'm not Ally from the Notebook." She said and I frowned, what was she saying? "Ally couldn't make up her mind because she was also in love with Lon." She said and I nodded slowly "That's the difference between her and I."

"What?" I breathed and she pulled her head away from my chest to look at me; I felt her hands slip into mine as she entwined our fingers together

"It's always been you, Luke." She whispered softly as I felt her squeeze our entwined hands "but I was just too much of an idiot to realize it."

"Am I dreaming?" I mumbled and she giggled slightly as she shook her head as she stood on her tip toes to kiss my cheek "Fuck, it's not a dream." I breathed and she bit her lip as I cupped her facd "God, Angel." I breathed "I love you so goddamn much."

"I love you, too Lucas." She whispered and I slowly pressed my lips against hers as her arms wrapped around my neck so I pulled her even closer to me, we were practically glued together.

"Guess we're not that much of a mess now, huh?" I whispered as I pressed my forehead against hers, she giggled softly

"Oh Lucas, you are so wrong." She giggled "We so are a mess." She said as she kissed my cheek "But you're my mess."

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