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~ 1 year later~


"Hello? Is this thing on?" Dinah's voice was heard on the speakers from the stage "Okay! So this is a very special day! Long time coming, guys!" She winked in Lucas' and I's direction, causing me to blush as I wrapped my arm around Lucas's arm as he kissed my forehead.

Yep, our wedding day! Crazy, huh? It had only been a year since we'd gotten back together and we were already married! But I didn't mind, I mean, it was Lucas and I! We were the epitome of missed opportunities so when he proposed it didn't come as a shock that he didn't want to risk our relationship again, and I couldn't agree more.

"So, for those of you who don't know me I am Eleanor's best friend." She said as she stood in the middle of the stage with the band prepping their instruments behind her "I've known Eleanor and Lucas since high school and it makes me especially proud to be standing here 10 years later, and to be able to say this: ABOUT DAMN TIME!" She added, causing the crowd to laugh along with Lucas and I as he leaned over to peck my lips quickly "Now let me tell you, to have been one of the few people to have been able to witness the start of their relationship is really beautiful. And El, I know you said this about my husband and I but you were wrong; there really is no two people more perfect for each other than Lucas and Eleanor." She added with a soft smile as she raised her champagne glass in our direction "When I first met Lucas, like officially, because I'd always thought he was very attractive if I'm being honest," she added, causing Lucas to laugh loudly beside me as I shook my head with a giggle following the crowds laugh "my first thought was 'Oh, shit. This boy is going to be trouble.' and let me tell you, their whole relationship was a freaking rollercoaster!" She said with a laugh "But what's true love without a little bump in the road, right?" She added with a shrug, causing me to nod as I turned to Lucas and grinned softly "But seriously, though." She added as she cleared her throat "As you know I never believed in love, but my view on that changed when I met my husband. I see the two of you here today after all those years... and I believe in destiny." She said with a smile as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear "It's like the universe worked it's magic and the stars aligned or whatever the hell people say, and you two met, fell in love and now embark on this journey together." She said, causing me to smile "El, I have no doubt in my mind that your dad is looking down at you right now and feels nothing but proud of you." She croaked, causing me to tear up as I saw her wipe the corner of my eye "So let's raise our glass to the bride and groom, I wish you nothing but happiness together. And I am going to step off before I really start crying." She said with a laugh "I love you guys." She added before stepping off, she walked over to us and I immediately wrapped my arm around her as I hugged her tightly

"I love you so much." I whispered as I squeezed her tightly "Thank you." I said as I pulled away, she smiled at me after shrugging slightly

"What are sisters for, right?"



"I remember the day I met Lucas; it was the first day of college and Greg and I were just sitting around waiting for our first course to start." Jake said once Dinah has stepped off the stage after her emotional speech; I was glad she did it, it was really meaningful and beautiful "And then from the corner of my eye I see this guy and I immediately think 'Damn, he must really hate his life because he looks miserable!', so I went up to talk to him and after that we became fast friends." He said and I smiled briefly at the memory, I really don't know where I'd be without Jake and Greg, they really are the brothers I never had "I have this great respect for Lucas just because he's so optimistic. Even when life really got to him and in the back of my mind I was always like 'Is this it? Will this be the moment he finally gives up?'; he never did though." He said as he nodded towards me "I may not have known you since we were kids like Dani has, but you are my brother, as is Greg too. And I'm happy to say that I'm proud you finally got the girl man, she really is something." He said and I glanced at Eleanor briefly as she squeezed my arm and I pecked her lips quickly "I'll never be able to follow Dinah's amazing speech; congratulations you brought a tear to a grown man's eye, so I will keep it short and just say congratulations to my best friend and his beautiful bride. I know you two without a doubt destined for greatness, together and separately." He added before raising his glass and the walking off the stage, coming towards us, I patted his back as he smiled brightly at me

"Thanks man, that was great." I said and he nodded before wrapping his arm around Dani's shoulder as she kissed his cheek "How about we go outside for a moment, babe?" I said as I turned to face El who smiled at me as she nodded while standing up "Excuse us, guys." I said as I entwined our hands together as we exited the tent, out wedding was outside and the place had a small gazebo in the back with twinkling lights; it was really beautiful and I think we needed that moment alone "Dance with me?" I whispered as I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her close

"But there's no music." She said with a small laugh and I shrugged

"Who needs music?" I said with a smile as I grabbed her hand and twirled her around, pulling her back to me "Crazy, huh?" I breathed and she smiled softly "Us... being here after so many years." I whispered "Married." She grinned softly as she stood on her toes to kiss me

"I've never been happier, Luke." She whispered "I know that last year was... difficult, mostly for you." She said as her eyes started to get glossy, I stopped and caressed her cheek as she mustered a soft smile "But I just want you to know that I've never been more in love with you." She said, a tear rolling down her cheek as she chuckled "Don't worry; these are happy tears for a change." She muttered as I leaned in and kissed her forehead

"I've never been more in love with you, either." I whispered as she looked up at me and smiled "You really are my Angel, aren't you?" I said as I caressed her cheek softly and she smiled softly

"And you're mine."




I really don't know what to say! Runaway 2 is finally over and it's really bittersweet having to say goodbye to these characters (but not really since I'm rewriting the books). Thank you to those who have read this story, liked it, commented and supported it! It's my biggest accomplishment and holds a special place in my heart. So this is goodbye for a while (because of my hiatus); I will hopefully see you and hope you read the rewritten version.



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