Chapter 2- He fell right into it

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"Ugh I can't believe Zaid did that in class. He made a fool out of himself and me." Nadia says the next day in English. She thinks anything Zaid does embarrasses her since Zaid is younger only by a few minutes, which is completely absurd if you ask me.  "But no one knows you guys are siblings. The only people who know are me and Sarah.They don't even think your related. You didn't get embarrassed, he did." I tell her.

You may be asking, Why doesn't anyone know they are twins? Number 1, they really don't look alike. Nadia looks more like her dad, her eyes are brown and almond shaped and she has wavy light brown hair. 

 Zaid looks more like his mom, he has blue eyes  which are much more rounder than Nadia's,  and he has straight jet black hair. Though they share some features, like face shape and smile,  its not enough for them to look alike or like siblings. 

Number 2, they don't talk in school. They stay away from each other since  their cliques are really different from each other. Nadia's friends are all good Muslims while Zaid's friends are all popular and smoke,drink, and do other haram things. 

In our school, cliques only talk to ones they deem worthy, the most popular cliques don't deem anyone worthy except themselves. We never talk to Zaid's or his friends because they hate us since us for being religious Muslims. 

Last but not least number 3, whenever someone asks if they are related, they say they only have the same last name. They don't really look alike, they don't talk, they don't admit their siblings, who would think they are related after all.

They don't really act like brother and sister in general. They never have a normal conversation. They never say greet to each other, ever. Funny thing is, they love each other like brother and sister on the inside, guess that's sibling love. I wouldn't know since I have no other siblings, though I've always wanted a sister.

"Sometimes I wish he could be a better Muslim but every time I try he becomes worse." she says with her eyes full of sadness.She looked like she had given up and wish she could do something about it. 

I can't stand to see her sad everyday. She has always wanted him to be a good Muslim, she's tried everything but nothing works, even I wish I could change him. I feel like there's hope for him but I don't why, It's not like he wants to change.  If we want him to change, we need to think of something different. That gave me an idea, before I could tell Nadia the bell rang.

Surprisingly, today Zaid was in his seat but not so surprisingly, he was flirting with the girls sitting at a table behind us, not being very Islamic. 

I just want to help him find the right path so bad. It saddens me to see a fellow Muslim not doing anything the Quran says. The sadder thing is there are so many people who aren't on the right path, I always try to help them but a lot of times, sadly, they don't want it. 

Mrs. Wilson entered the class and started teaching. After the lesson, she says "Okay class, there are 10 minutes left. You have no homework, you are able to talk to each other until class ends."

This is my chance where I can talk to him. I look over and I see him flirting with the girls he was with earlier. It absolutely disgusting look at them but I need to do this. If it works, I will never see him like this again. I take a deep breath and start.

"Zaid, we need to talk"I say, while the girl was trying to get his number. The dumb class stopped talking and whispered about it.  Me and Zaid don't talk, our cliques are so different. It's surprising to see people from two very different cliques talking. Zaid clearly didn't like it, he was clenching his jaw when he asked "What do you want?".

I take a deep breath, trying to form my words. The whole class was listing and I don't really talk to guys much. I underestimated how much courage I needed. I sigh and collect more courage to talk. 

"I want to make you a better Muslim" I tell in with confidence in my voice.
He starts laughing "I bet no one could make me into a better Muslim even if they taught me for a year. Not even a sheikh, and don't even think that you will. " he says while with amusement smeared all over his face.

"Deal. I will teach you for a year!" I say quickly. The amusement left in less than a second and a look of regret replaced it.

Good thing he said that, I wouldn't know what to do or say if he didn't. I'd just make a big fool out of myself in front of the entire class. Then all the high school drama would start, gosh I already wish I was done with high school. 

He started to say "No, I-". I stopped him before he could go on "Too bad you said it. Let's meet at your house, 6 PM. Can't back out now." and with that the bell rang and all the students left the classroom.

He will change, whether he wants to or not. 

Next chapter is going to be Zaid's P.O.V so that will be interesting. Also with this book for the rest of the month I will try my hardest to upload a chapter everyday since I have lots of time

I Tried To Change Him (Under Major Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon