Chapter 24

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Caliope was holding the thin translucent fabric between her fingers and smiling, her cheeks were red. Amra cupped her chin up and held it as he leaned close to kiss her lips. Her heart pounded fast and hard, and she tasted his kiss with a new found meaning "Now I want to hear your answer... I need to hear it from your own lips, my Asteria..."

She blushed even more and nodded; realizing her mouth was dry she gasped and finally whispered a firm "Yes..." and he kissed her with passion. He moved a finger over her hand and dragged the thin fabric as magnet towards her finger, he moved it in a circle and the fabric found its way to wrap around and it formed a knot. As simple as that, the fabric glowed and she felt her heart beat faster "You are all I want, you make me complete..."

The magic ring was as thin and soft as water , but it was firm and the knot seemed impossible to break, it had a low glow but it was a true beauty beyond any mortal jewel. Caliope could not stop looking at it. He smiled watching at her enchanted by the new present "Now my love, rest... our trip still holds necessary meetings and arrangements to make for the future."

She chuckled and perked a brow amused, looking at him "You expect me to sleep after such a present? I wont be able to sleep in days!"

He smiled at her gently, and caressed her face slowly, making her blush and leaned her head on his hand "I need you resting, its the only way I can rest... I worry, you know..."

She sighed and smiled, shaking her head as she chuckled one more time before leaning on the bed next to him. Surprisingly, she yawned, finally giving up and falling asleep.

Elaine was pacing and when Amra walked in, she finally stopped. Pronab was leaning against the wall and he broke his pose as well. Amra walked straight to Pronab and once he stood in front of him, he embraced him. Pronab stood still, the action itself took him by surprise and he did not know how to react. After a few seconds, he finally let him go "I can't judge you for your past, but only your present. I trust you. Our father has his trust in you. Now it is time for you to let your past go."

"I wish it was that easy..."

"Nothing is ever easy for those of your nature... you tend to think too much on consequences, and that in part is how we have you as an important part in our ranks, you think as we don't... and that is invaluable..."

"I do not like uncertainties, and it was predicted much more for me... I don't want more, I want this war to be over, I want peace and routine..."

"No one wants this war... I wish Michael was here to help, he has experience in the three wars... but we want you to feel we trust in you, so at least, trust in us."

He nodded and finally smiled slightly, making Elaine hug him tight.

Hours later, Caliope woke up and found Amra sitting on a chair near her. He had his eyes closed and seemed resting. She slowly laid her head back on the pillow and smiled watching him and her magical ring over and over. After a while, he opened his eyes and smiled at her "You look beautiful."

She chuckled "You are biased."

"Let me remember what that means, then I will reply to you."

Caliope laughed "It means you love me, so you will always say I am beautiful even if I am not... you are inclined to be always on my side."

"Ok then..."


"Yes, I am biased."

Caliope laughed and sat on the bed as he got up and walked next to her. He offered her his hand "Lets go to meet the General, he has mourned enough the loss of his second in command already."

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