|Chapter 1|

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I groan as I hear the fire alarm go off. "Arielle! What the hell did you burn this time?" I yell walking into the hallway. "It wasn't me this time you asshole!" She yells back. "Who the hell was it then?" I ask as I enter the kitchen. "Umm. I may or may not have burnt a pot of water." Lizzy says quietly. "What the fuck? How?" I ask, trying to get the fire alarm to shut up. "What the hell is going on?" Bella asks as she joins us in the kitchen. "Ask the fucktards over there." I say pointing to Lizzy and Arielle. "It wasn't me this time!" Arielle yells walking out of the room.

Oh yeah I didn't introduce myself. Well, I'm Kiana. I live with 6 of my best friends. Lucy, Arielle, Paige, Bella, Chloe, and Lizzy. We refer to ourselves as "The Constellation". We make videos on this thing called YouTube for a living. Anyways, we all live together in a house just outside of London, England. Well... Let's get on with the story!

"Shut the hell up!" I hear Chloe yell from somewhere in the house. "No! Being loud is fun!" Lucy yells as she closes the front door. "Where were you, Lucy?" Lizzy asks her,  jumping up on the counter. "Umm. No where." She says with a blush rising to her face. "You were so with a boy!" Bella yells as she jumps up and down. "Maybe." Lucy mutters to herself. "Holy shit, mate! Tell us more!" Chloe says jumping through the door way. "Where the fuck did you come from?" I say almost falling onto the floor. "My mom." Chloe says as she walks towards the others. "Smartass." I mumble. "I know right! Isn't my ass so smart?" Chloe states, then they all burst into laughter. "Well, assholes. I'm gonna go record some minecraft videos." I state heading towards the stairs. "Have fun playing with blocks mate!" I hear someone yell. "Tell vik I say hi!" Someone else yells. "I play minecraft with other people too asshats!" I yell and go to my computer. "Sure you do shitface!" I hear Paige yell and they all burst into laughter. "Weirdos." I say as I giggle to myself.

A/N first chapter done! Yup this is actually the relationship my friends and I have by the way. We treat each other this way. Yup anyway hope you like it! Imma go for now... See you in the next chapter. Hopefully...

-Keylea123 <3

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