|Chapter 4|

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"Kiana!" I wake up to someone yelling my name. "What?" I yell back, still not sure who called for me. "Get dressed! We're going to westfield!" They yell back. My door swings open and light floods my room. "What the fuck, man?" I say blocking my eyes from the light. The covers are pulled off of me and cold air rushes over me. I look up to see Arielle standing there with the covers in her hands and a smirk on her face. "Asshole." I mumble while getting out of bed. "Fuck you. Get out of bed and dressed." she says before leaving my room.

I go over to my computer and see that I have a skype message from vik. "Hey, Kiana. I hope you had a good sleep. See you in an hour :)" I read in my head. Wait. Since when am I seeing Vik in an hour? I decide to just shrug it off and get ready for what ever plans I have today. I quickly get dressed and brush my teeth and all that stuff, then run down the stairs. "Yo asshats!" I yell as I walk into the kitchen and pour a bowl of cereal. No one responds to me, instead just stare at me. "What the fuck you guys staring at?" I ask raising an eyebrow. No one responds. "Also, why did Vik message me saying he would see me in an hour?" I ask hopping onto the counter with my cereal. "No idea." They all say and walk out. "What ever." I mumble to myself.

"Come on, Kiana! Westfield time!" Paige yells, walking past the kitchen. I jump of the counter, grab my jumper and walk towards the door. I put on my shoes before jogging outside towards the car. "You look homeless, bitch." A random girl says walking past. "Well, one I'm not homeless, two I'm on my lawn getting into my car, three I'm not a female dog, and four I don't give a fuck what you think." I say with a smirk before joining the girls in the car. "Took you long enough, asshole." Arielle says as I start the car. "Shut your trap, asshat." I say back while laughing and driving off.

We pull up to westfield and get out of the car. "Why are we here anyways?" I ask while we walk to the entrance. "We're meeting people here." Lucy says with a wide smile on her face. "Who are we me-" "Hey, Kiana!" I'm cut off by someone. I turn around and my eyes meet with Viks. "Yo, Vik!" I yell back. "So, how was your sleep? You never replied." He says looking down at his feet. "Oh yeah sorry I got distracted, but yeah it was good. How was yours?" I ask quietly. He looks back up and a smile appears on his face. "Yup it was good. I thought you were ignoring me for some reason." He says, making eye contact. "Why would I do that?" I ask with a laugh before looking away and breaking eye contact.

POV: Paige

"Hey, Simon." I say quietly, walking up to him. "Yo, Paige!" he says confidently. "Can I talk to you?" He asks scratching the back of his neck. I nod in response. "Alone." He says quickly. "Yeah, sure." I say and he grabs my wrist, pulling me away from the group. "Are we far enough away, Simon?" I ask, causing him to stop. "Yup!" He says turning around to look at me. "So what did you wanna talk about?" I ask him. "Umm. I have to confess something." I nod my head for him to continue. "I-I umm. I don't know how to say it. Can I show you instead?" He asks nervously. "Yeah go ahe-" I'm cut off my something on my lips. I realize that its Simons lips... A blush rises to my face.

We awkwardly pull away. "Umm. Sorry." He says looking down at his feet. "Don't be sorry. I-I feel the same way." I say quietly. "Really?" He says suddenly regaining happiness. I nod in response. "Well, can I take you on a d-date?" He asks nervously. "Sure." I say with a smile on my face. A smile appears on his face and we both blush. "We should probably get back to the others." He says awkwardly. "Yeah." I agree and we walk back to the group. He asked me out. Simon Minter asked me on a date. I smile to myself, thinking about what just happened.

A/N I did it! I did a point of view change! Yay! Also, Simon & Paige is a thing. Woah whats gonna happen next????? Anyways, thanks for reading! See you in the next chapter... Hopefully...

-Keylea123 <3

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