|Chapter 3|

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I catch up with the girls just before they enter nandos. We take our seat and proceed to order. "Can I get some chips, please?" I ask the waitress. "Yup got you, Hun." She says with a smile plastered on her face. Lizzy looks at me and frowns. "I'm not hungry." I state looking at her. "Okay. Can I get-" she starts to order, but my thoughts block it out. I need to edit a video when we get home. It's not gonna be rendered in time. Fucking hell. Ugh. I sigh deeply and slouch into the seat. "What's wrong, Kiana?" Lucy asks. "I'm fine. Just thinking. Won't have a video uploaded in time." I respond. She looks at me and sighs. "Kiana. It's alright if you don't upload the video at the exact time you normally do. You work nonstop. Your viewers should be fine with it." She says as the rest of the girls look at me. "When we get home I'm editing videos." I say as the food arrives. They all sigh and I shrug. "Thank you." I say as the waitress hands me my chips.

~Time skip back home~

As soon as the front door closes I start to walk up the stairs. Someone grabs my arm. "I need to edit." I mumble while pulling out of their grip. I hear them sigh as I continue to my room. I take a seat at my desk and start to edit my video. My phone starts to blow up with twitter mentions. Everyone asking where the video is. When I'm streaming next. Why I haven't uploaded my video yet. I sigh and tweet out, "Video will be uploaded soon. Don't worry :)" I continue editing my video.

The video finishes rendering and I let out a breath of relief as I upload it. "Done." I say aloud to myself. I go onto twitter and scroll through my feed. I favourite some fanart and nice tweets. "When's the stream?" "Stream please!" I read a bunch of tweets telling me to stream. Might as well give the people what they want. "Streaming in 5 mins!" I tweet out and start to setup the stream. Once everything is setup I start the stream. "Hello people of the world! KianaGames here and welcome to the stream!" I say, yawning at the end of my sentence. "Today we are playing a minecraft Solo UHC." I say and start to get some wood.

"Die you stupid chicken!" I scream as I chase a chicken, while punching it with my fist. I randomly burst into laughter as the chicken dies. "Rip! Chicken is dead! D-E-D dead!" I yell through my laughter. I look up and see the death screen. "Wait. What? How?" I say as I click respawn. I look in my twitch chat. "Someone killed you during your laugh attack." "Vikkstar killed you" "It was vik!" I read aloud. "Since when was vik in that game?" I say laughing again. "oops." I say as I hear someone yell for me to shut up. "Sorry!" I yell back. "Go to sleep, Kiana! Its 4am!" I hear paige yell. "Nah mate! Sleep is for the weak!" I yell back and go back to streaming.

~Time skip 30 mins~

I yawn while playing the new UHC i was in. I feel my eyelids get heavy. My head feels like its the weight of an elephant. I hear a bang when my head hits the desk and sleep takes over me. I groan as I lift my head. I notice the stream is still going. "How long was I out for?" I ask the stream. The chat blows up with answers. "15 mins" "20 mins" "15" "15 minutes" looks like I was asleep for about 15 minutes. "Sorry about that guys." I say as i continue to stream. "sleep, Kiana" I see in the chat. "No. I'm okay, hun" I say as I play the game. I hear my phone beep. I look to see a twitter message from vik. "Kiana, please sleep." I read aloud. I respond with "Only if you do too. I know you haven't slept either." after I send the message my skype starts to ring. I look and see that its vik. I answer the call quickly. "Kiana! Sleep!" He yells straight away. "Hello to you too. I don't need to sleep right now, vik. Plus have you slept yet?" I say back. He thinks for a second. "No, but I don't need to sleep right now." "Neither do I." I say to him. He shakes his head. "Kiana-" He starts. "No, Vik. Let me stream please." I cut him off. "But, you need sleep." He says quietly. "And so do you, but you're not sleeping either, so-" "No. I will sleep if you do too." He says strictly. "Fine." I say back. "Well, I guess this is the end of the stream. Thank you for watching. I will see you guys later. Kiana out!" I say and end the stream. "Good night, Vik. You better sleep." I say to him. "I will, but you better too." I nod towards the webcam. "Good night, Kiana." He says looking at me. "Night, Vik." I say and end the call.

I get out of my chair and walk towards my bed. "Why do people care if I sleep or not?" I ask as I pull the covers over my body. I sigh in the warmth of the bed. I guess I have to sleep now. I giggle at absolutely nothing. "Why am I giggling? What's wrong with me?" I ask myself and I smash my face into my pillows. I groan before my eyes close and I fall into a deep sleep.

A/N Hey, guys! Sooooo... I hope you like the book so far. Also I have a question! Should I start doing point of view changes???? If so who do you want me to change point of views to? Anyways I hope you have a great day! Thanks for reading...

-Keylea123 <3

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