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  You slowly open your eyes and sit up. You stretch and for once, you are completely at peace and happy. You don't have to worry about what assignment Hydra will give you that day, nor where your next meal will come from. For once, you are safe and your only worry is convincing he Avengers that you are harmless.

   You swing your feet over the side of the bed and stand up, making sure that you don't jar your injured shoulder. Walking over to the window, you pull back the curtain and take in the view. Far below you are a crisscross of streets that cut through the forest of sky scrapers. It almost looks like someone pushed a huge piece of chicken wire into the ground. You can see people walking along the sidewalks, but they're so tiny, they might as well be ants.

   You scan the streets for a few minutes, trying to pick out where your alley is, but they all look the same and you don't even know if you're looking out from the correct side of the building. For  all you know, your home could be in the completely opposite direction.

   You smile grimly, finding it a little sad that even after two years of not seeing it, you still consider a pile of blankets, which probably isn't even there anymore, to be your home.

   Your thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door, which seems to be a reoccurring theme with you.

   "Come in," you call.

   Dr. Banner walks in with a steaming bowl of oatmeal and a glass of juice in his hands and some clothing under his arm. You can't help but chuckle as you see that he's wearing the exact same clothes as yesterday.

   "What's so funny?", he asks as he sets the items of the bed. "Is there something on my face?"

   "No, no, I just find it strange that a man who lives in a place such as this would wear the same clothes two days in a row. You probably have enough money to buy several clothing companies."

    "I don't, Tony does. Besides, these are comfortable."

   You chuckle again, thinking that this must be the most you've smiled in years. Then the smell from the oatmeal hits your nose and immediately the only thought on your mind is of food.

  "Is that for me?", you ask as you point to the bowl.

   "Yes, and I've also brought some clothes for you to..."

   He trails off as you quickly walk over, grab the bowl, and start to wolf is down. You finish in about a minute and when you look up, Bruce looks both surprised and amused.

   "I don't think I've seen anyone eat that fast since Thor challenged Clint to a hotdog eating contest."

   You wipe your mouth and feel a bit embarrassed. "Sorry, the only food that I've eaten in the past two years was disgusting and cold and before that... Well, that food was just as bad. In fact, I think that that was one of the most delicious things that I have ever eaten in my entire life."

   Bruce chuckles. "Well, there's plenty more where that came from. Everyone is out in the common room, so get changed and meet me outside and I'll introduce you to everyone."

   You finish off your juice and he takes your glass and bowl and leaves that room. You quickly change into the T-shirt, jeans, and sports bra that he gave you, which actually fit somehow, and open the door to find Dr. Banner waiting for you.

   "Good, they fit you. Nat thought that you might be the same size as her, but she weren't sure."

   "Yeah, they fit really well. Um, where'd the dishes go?", you ask. You don't think that he had had enough time to go down to the kitchen and back. He simply points down the hall and you turn to see a robot rolling away with the dirty glass and bowl in its grasp.

Supernova (avengers x-reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon