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(A/N: IT'S BEEN THREE WEEKS SINCE MY LAST UPDATE!? WHAAAAATTTTT!?!?!? Sorry guys :( time got away from me)

    You take the elevator down with Steve and exit the tower. Even though you've been living at the tower for over a month now, you've only taken a few actual walks around the city with any of the other Avengers. Sure, you've traveled through the city quite a few times to go and fight crime, but it's rare for you to actually take your time and observe the streets around you. You had forgotten how busy they are.

    "Do you want to take a cab?," Steve asks.

    "No, it's alright. I prefer to walk."

    He nods.

    "Lead the way," he says with a grand gesture down the street.

    After about half an hour of walking without any interruptions, an old woman with a cane in one hand and a bag of groceries in the other stops you both.

    "Young man, I don't know it you remember me, but I was held hostage a few years ago and you saved me. This man grabbed me while I was out on my weekly run for groceries and tied me up in the basement of an apartment building. He called your tower and said that if you came and fought him, he would let me go. When he was waiting for you, he was getting all big in his britches, confident that he would beat you and whatnot. Was so rowdy and impatient he started shooting the walls to pass the time. Must have been a big surprise for him when you took him down with one punch," she chuckles, "I'd never been so relieved in all my life, have never been as relieved since."

    Steve smiles kindly at her.

    "You have no reason to thank me, ma'am. I was simply doing my job. Would you like some help with your groceries?"

    "Oh, thank you, young man. My apartment building is right over there," she says, pointing to the end of the block.

    Steve takes the groceries out of her hand and you hold out your arm for her to take before assisting her up the sidewalk.

    After you and Steve have helped her upstairs to her apartment and exited the building, you ask Steve something that has been bothering you ever since you talked to the old woman.

    "Why would anyone in their right mind challenge Captain America, of all people? Why would anyone challenge any of the Avengers, for that matter? You'd think that after saving the world a few times, people would realize how suicidal it would be to go up against you with no backup. Then again, backup wouldn't really help, anyway."

    "Well, most of them aren't in their right mind," Steve says sadly, "We get people like that every once in a while. They're so delusional that they think that they can beat anyone they challenge, no matter how strong the person is. Some of them have even claimed that they are god himself. It's extremely rare for someone to challenge us alone and not have a history of mental problems."

    After another half hour of walking, you finally reach your alley.

    As you and Steve approach the entrance, you stop short, hesitant about seeing what your home has been reduced to. You knew as soon as you said that you wanted to see it that your home would probably not even be there anymore. Rain, rats, other homeless people, anything could have taken away your nest while you were gone and you don't want the place where you were free for two years reduced to nothing.

    Steve stops a few feet ahead of you. Turning back, he sees your worried expression and gives you a small, empathetic smile.

    "You don't want it to be different, do you?," he asks as he walks back to you.

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