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    "No, no, no, no!" you yell as five soldiers charging down the hole-riddled street spot you.

    You let off a couple of shots, killing one, before sprinting down an alleyway, dodging in a zig zag pattern in order to make yourself a more difficult target. As you reach the end of the alley, you run around the corner and into a doorway, where you're faced with a flight of steps. You quickly scale them and when you reach the top, you find yourself in an empty room with broken windows and singe marks all over the walls. There's no escape in sight and you can't jump through the window, so you crouch in a corner by the door and wait for your pursuers to come charging in. Three soldiers run through in the next moment and you dispatch them all in rapid succession. You're waiting for the fourth when you hear a loud crack. The next millisecond, a bullet enters through the window and buries itself in your skull, causing you to collapse to the floor like a puppet that's had its strings cut.

    "Boom! Headshot!" Clint whoops in triumph from the other side of the couch. You're sitting on a larger couch in front of multiple screens showing the perspectives of three players, their guns large in the foreground. All the way on the left is a fourth screen flashing your "game over" for everyone to see.

    "Ok, I'm calling hacks," Tony whines as he mashes buttons frantically, "And how the frick are you doing that, Rodgers!?! You're 25 and 0! You were frozen when videogames were invented!"

    "Military training," Steve deadpans as he takes out five more virtual soldiers with a single grenade. "Plus, the other team sucks."

    "Welp, I'm dead. You're on your own, Stark," you sigh as you let your controller fall to your lap.

    "What do you mean, I'm on my own? I have 15 other players backing me up."

    "Yeah, but as Steve said, they suck like whores."

    "Language!" Clint yells over the loud booms of sniper rifle fire.

    "Sorry, buddy, but you're gonna die," you state as you pat Tony on the shoulder. The game is over within minutes with Steve at the top of the leaderboard. Clint is just below him with 15 kills to Steve's 36 due to the fact that he had refused to switch out his sniper rifle for the entire game.

    "You guys up for another game?" Tony asks as he clicks back to the main menu.

    "Sorry, not sorry, Stark, but I was actually wondering if _________ would like to go shopping with me, instead," says a voice from the doorway behind you. You turn to see Nat standing in the hall, purse in hand.

    "Sure!" you reply as you set your controller down on the couch and stretch. After some obscene popping sounds from your back, you feel limber enough to rise from your seat and join Nat.

    "Awe, come on, __________!" Clint whines. "Now we're not going to have any challenging opposition."

    "I'm right here, Bird Boy," Tony says as he gives Clint an offended look. "Are you going to need glasses to match your hearing aids?" In response, Clint pulls out his phone, promptly turns off said hearing aids, and begins to play My Heart Will Go On at full volume through the hidden speakers in the room.

    "I think this is where we should take our leave," Nat yells over the music and Steve and Tony's screams. You both hurry down the hallway to the elevator. A few minutes later, you are exiting the lobby and heading towards one of Nat's favorite shops, which is only a few blocks away.

    "I swear, they're aging backwards!" Nat complains. "They become more and more like children every day."

    "Well, then I suppose the world's lucky that they have us to keep them in line," you say, earning one of Nat's rare laughs.

Supernova (avengers x-reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя