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(A/N: Last chapter! I'm sorry for the extra-long wait, you guys, but I finally got off my lazy butt and wrote this. Thank you all for sticking with me all these months. The support from you guys has been absolutely staggering! This story now has over five thousand reads and over 200 votes! So again, thank you! I hope you all enjoy!)

   Right now, your world can be boiled down to two things: pain and worry. You watch as your friends are toppled like bowling pins, unable to lift a hand or shoot a laser to help them. All you can do is dangle under your awning, trapped in a cocoon of black chains and a matching gag that completely silences the screams and curses that you attempt to throw at Abyss. You try to struggle against your bonds, but the pain that forks from the wounds on your shoulder and face force you to still.

   "Did you just say 'daughter'?"

   Abyss turns to stare at you incredulously. "You're his daughter?" she asks, jabbing a thumb at Tony, who has now managed to push himself to his feet. Suddenly, she laughs, swinging from confusion to amusement in under a second. "Well, the techs back at Hydra will get a kick out of this. Not only will we be regaining a weapon today, but we'll also be attaining leverage against the great Tony Stark! If I were to get paid for this job, I would say that I deserve a raise."

   She turns towards Tony, who's now standing on the other side of the street, his expressionless helmet staring back at Abyss as she taunts him.

   "What's the matter, Stark? Cat got your tongue?" Abyss sneers at him, snorting in derision, but she can't hear what you hear. Tony's breath is slow and controlled. Too controlled, seeing as his heart is beating a mile a minute, thundering like a freight train in his chest. His gloves creak and whir as his fists clench tight at his sides. All of these sounds could tell you exactly what Tony's thinking, but it's the light from his visor display illuminating his hidden expression that confirms your suspicions beyond any doubt.

   Iron Man is pissed.

   In the blink of an eye, he's raised his hands, his palms aimed directly at Abyss' head, and fires. In half that time, Abyss has collapsed into the dark sidewalk cracks, easily escaping the repulsor blast as it zips through the space that her smirking face had once occupied. The others, who have also managed to pick themselves up, glance around warily.

   "Touchy, touchy," you hear her laugh from somewhere to your right. "Who knew that the narcissist playboy billionaire could get so worked up over one little weapon?"

   Once again, you alone know that Abyss has made a grave misjudgment. From you suspended position, you can hear Tony conversing with Jarvis within his helmet.

   "Where?" Tony asks, using as little time as possible. The clipped question once again shows you just how wrathful Tony is at that moment. If you weren't so terrified and worried, you probably would be touched.

   "There, sir." The AI's tone is just as clipped and angry as his creator's as he marks Abyss' location on Tony's display. Without hesitation, Tony points his palm at the underside of a lamp post that's about twenty feet to your left and fires. You hear Abyss let out an involuntary cry of pain as she falls out of the shadows and onto the pavement below. Immediately, she's back on her feet, grinning manically as she glares at Tony in rage.

   "Oh, now that wasn't nice at all," she laughs, her voice sharp and hateful. Before she can raise a finger against your friends, she's forced to hastily erect a shadow wall, stopping the arrow that would have landed right between her eyes.

   Your head whips up as you search the buildings opposite you, looking for your favorite archer. You immediately spy him from his kneeling position on the building directly across the street from you. His satisfied smirk confuses you for a moment, but understanding quickly dawns on you and you turn to look at Abyss. She dissolves the black wall and allows the arrow to fall to the ground.

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