Introduced (again)

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    "Sorry, but why are we doing this, again?," you ask as you peer at the gathering reporters from behind the door next to the press conference. "The longer we wait, the more opportunity Hydra has to clear out that base. Hell, they're probably already long gone."

    "Well, then waiting a few more hours won't hurt anything," Steve replies, "Besides, it'll be easier if we attack at night. There'll be less chance of them seeing us. Also, the public has been scrambling for answers and there have been wilder and wilder speculations each passing day about why Tony attacked the officers at that bank. We need to set the record straight."

    You nod, understanding the importance of giving people answers, yet chaffing at the idea that every minute spent here is another minute allowing Hydra agents the opportunity to escape. While you had only acquired the location of the base yesterday, Harvey had been in the Avengers' custody for several days. Hydra must have known that you would find a way of removing the chip, so they might have cleared out as soon as you had carried him out of that bank. Hydra's leaders might be twisted and cruel, but they aren't stupid.

    "It's time." Steve leads the rest of you out and up onto the stage where a long table, complete with uncomfortable chairs and bottles of water, has been set up. Steve take a seat in the middle of the table with Nat, Clint, and Thor on his left and Bruce, Tony, and you on his right. You chuckle at Bruce and Tony. While everyone else is in nice casual clothes, Bruce is in his usually sweat pants and sweat shirt and Tony is done up in a suit, complete with tie. The fact that they are sitting right next to each other makes the scene even more comical.

    You turn your attention back to the reporters in front of you, swallowing nervously as Steve begins the conference.

    "As you all know, on the fifth of this month a robbery took place at the bank on 23rd street. During this robbery, the perpetrator was trapped inside by the police, who were unable to enter due to the fact that this man was a mutant and could control other people through verbal commands." The reporters begin to murmur and whisper to each other in uneasiness. Steve waits until they calm down before continuing. "We sent Mr. Stark in, believing that his suit would prevent the man's voice from reaching him and therefore making him immune to his powers. We were wrong, however, and the man was able to control Stark and order him to attack the police officers outside the bank. I arrived with our newest recruit, ________," he gestures towards your seat at the end of the table, briefly drawing the attention in the room to you, "just in time to stop him from injuring anyone. We then sent ________ into the bank, where she was able to neutralize the threat within minutes. After a thorough investigation, in which we discovered that the man's name was Harvey Galloway, and an x-ray authorized by Mr. Galloway's wife, we determined that the man was, in fact, acting under Hydra's orders."

    This last statement set the reporters off again and it was a few minutes before the murmurs and exclamations died down enough for Steve to continue.

    "We discovered that Hydra was using a computer chip that they had implanted in Mr. Galloway's brain to control him and force him to obey their orders. The man was like a flesh-and-blood robot and should not be blamed for his actions." He levels a hard stare at the audience to make sure that they understood before continuing, "We were able to remove the chip and in the absence of Hydra's control, he was more than willing to share any and all information that he had on Hydra. Unfortunately, he was unable to provide us with the location of the base that he was stationed at."

    Before the conference, you had all discussed how much information you should reveal and had unanimously decided to not let on that you know the location of the base. If Hydra thinks that you don't know where Harvey's base is, they might be more likely to let their guard down. You had also agreed to not talk about Project Evolve and your participation in it. If the public knew that Hydra is creating evil, mutant super soldiers, there would be widespread panic and paranoia, all of it aimed at the mutant population. The resultant violence would be catastrophic.

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