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Camila's guilt was eating her alive. Darren was being such a gentleman. While they went skating, he was by her side for support - being slightly more advanced. With a respectful hand on her waist or in her own, Darren courteously escorted her around the rink. He was full of jokes and goofiness that couldn't help but make Camila laugh. He was really turning on the charm, too. He was overflowing with compliments to make up for lost time. And on top of everything, he kept buying her food. The food was what made her truly second-guess her decision. How could Camila do that to him after such a perfect day?

She knew Lauren would be expecting the deed to be done when she returned from her shift at Dairy Queen, but that wasn't the case. Now was not the time. Even after coming home from the skating rink, Darren's chivalry didn't let up. He was polite and receptive to how Camila wanted to spend their time, now that they were somewhat alone. Ally was there, but she was expertly being a third wheel - both fascinated and distracted by the nonsense on her phone. She pretty much left them alone the entire time. While Ally was disengaging herself, Camila was cooped up in Darren's arms watching old music videos. It was almost kind of nice, if she could ignore how her thoughts only consisted of a particular green-eyed beauty. Everything was tainted by Lauren. Camila found herself wishing she'd done everything today with Lauren rather than the boy nuzzling up to her. Her guilt was almost all she could think about. She was saved by her dad, though.

Alejandro returned from his outings about thirty minutes after they did. He was more than surprised to find Darren and Ally hanging around Camila instead of Lauren. Once he recovered from his shock, he rounded up Darren to talk man to man. Camila was grateful for the distraction. Ally eventually dismissed herself and went up to the room they were supposedly staying in. Camila occupied the rest of her time by texting Lauren in her room whenever she had a free moment at work. By the time Lauren finally did make it home, she was exhausted. Camila was used to the sight. The few days a week Lauren did have to work, she came home completely spent. It usually made for great cuddling sessions.

Now that Lauren finally had a moment alone with Camila, she wanted to relish in it. She ascended up the stairs with only one intention. Camila was just across the hall winding down from her activities, in her room. She was only now taking off her jacket and her shoes. Lauren found it incredibly endearing that instead of one of her numerous jackets, Camila had chosen to take the one Lauren lent to her some time ago. Right as Camila tossed it onto her bed, Lauren knocked on her own door timidly. "Can I come in?"

"It's your room," she laughed. "Of course you can," Camila acquiesced gently and turned around at the lovely voice. It was relieving to be here with Lauren after putting up with those two fools all day.

Lauren let herself in and crossed the room. With only one destination in mind, she found herself hugging Camila from behind as her chosen form of greeting. "Hi, Camila."

"Hi, Lauren," Camila smiled softly and placed her hands over Lauren's. Her cheeks had taken on a nice tint from Lauren's affection.

"How was today?" Lauren questioned and had every intention of letting go for a brief hug, but selfishly prolonged it. Not being able to cuddle for an entire day does that to a girl.

"Exhausting," she complained and rolled her eyes.

"I thought you'd enjoy yourself," Lauren said snidely when she recalled how hastily they all left.

"I did too. And then we left and I remembered every reason why I didn't like them," Camila admitted with a light chuckle. It was a slight exaggeration. She did enjoy her time with Darren, it was just a little skewed.

"Well, I'm glad you're back now," Lauren changed the subject and leaned up closer to her face to see her better.

"Me too. I think I might've missed you a little bit," Camila teased and turned to face Lauren. Their faces were awfully close.

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