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Walk A Mile is now available to purchase as a paperback book!!!

You can get it on createspace: or search "Kara Ireland" on Amazon.

It is available for worldwide shipping, including Asia as far as I know. In America, it ships within a week. Just like with Journals, I've added some things and taken some things out. With the editing and changes, it's about 400 pages or so. Pretty thick, but hey, this is a long ass book lol. It's only a few more dollars than Journals too. The name changes are the same as in Journals: Cammie, Lauryn, Naomi, Allison, and Diana. I never wanna deviate too much, but I can't keep the original names. For the most part, it's the same story as on here.

Thank you so much for reading my stories and for supporting me, whether you buy my books or not. Y'all keep me writing. Even if it's not camren fanfiction, I'll never stop writing because y'all have boosted my confidence and helped me improve over time, whether you realize it or not. So, I'm always indebted to you guys. I say it at the end of every author's note, but I really do love you all. Thank you.

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