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"See? It wasn't that bad, was it?" Lauren clarified after they'd both clocked out. It was so strange seeing her girl's name in the mix with everyone else. They'd both congregated in the back room, where their stuff was in their respective corners.

"No," Camila admitted and smoothed out her new shirt. After completing each training video, the manager showed her around the establishment. She exchanged pleasantries with a bunch of new faces and tried to make the most of her first interactions with people.

"You'll get a pretty little paycheck without having to do anything," Lauren gave her a smile when she noticed how adorable Camila looked in her little visor. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yes," Camila assented and extended her hand for Lauren to take. When their hands were connected, Lauren tugged on her hand and pulled her closer, where she then embraced her in a hug. "I missed you."

"I missed you too," Lauren reciprocated and hugged her just as tightly. After gracing her cheek with a kiss, she secured her grasp on her.

"Is that the crack of the whip I hear?" Camila teased and stroked Lauren's back, still unwilling to relinquish her body just yet.

"Shut up," Lauren playfully released her and gave her shoulder a gentle push. "If it was, it was sounded for you, since you said it first."

"Oh, I am very whipped. The only difference between you and I is the fact that I can admit to it, and you can't," Camila announced and bit her lip, still staring at her with her arms settled around her waist.

"I guess I'm kind of whipped," Lauren smirked and shrugged, letting her arms fall to wrap around the small of Camila's back. Their bodies were so close, but Lauren was resisting the urge to kiss her. They were still at work, after all.

"I know you are," Camila's lips turned into a smirk, still biting her bottom lip. For whatever reason, her voice was lower than it had been before. Her eyes drank in Lauren's features as she capitalized on how close they were. The idle hands that were around her waist started to caress her side, just to provide herself with some affection. The small, almost insignificant ministrations on her side stirred something within Lauren and she wasn't quite sure why. Maybe it was due to how there was basically no distance between them at all, or the seductive vibe Camila had taken on. If that was her intent, it was working. Before Lauren could react to it in any way, Camila had separated to retrieve her jacket. "Ready to go?" Camila quipped, detecting the shift in her composure.

Lauren required a brief moment to regain her bearings. After shaking off whatever trance Camila had induced her in, she nodded. "Yeah."


"How long will we be gone?" Camila asked on the very next morning. Both of them had woken up relatively early, excited by the prospects of going on this road trip they'd loosely planned for. The road trip seemed like a spur of the moment decision, but Camila had extended plans for afterwards. She was serious about the date, although Lauren was taking it lightly. While she was alone with her thoughts, she'd devised a plan. Hopefully, all would go well and everything would fall into place.

"Just a day's trip, that's all," Lauren predicted and shrugged. "We should be back by tonight if we leave soon. That gives us enough time to do whatever we want up there."

"We should go, then. I want as much time as possible so I can get around to everything I want to show you," Camila tried not to allude that she had an itinerary for the day, but wanted to get her point across.

"Alright. Well, just slip on some clothes and head downstairs. I want to get some snacks before we go," Lauren mentioned as she got up to follow her own advice.

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