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While Camila was still in the shower, Lauren tired of being confined to her room. The whirlwind of emotions she'd just experienced with Camila had left her feeling a bit unsettled. They'd fought and presumably gotten over it, but she didn't really know where they stood. She felt the need to vent to the one most suitable for listening. Martin. Twice in one day? Maybe Martin should start raising his hourly rates.

Camila's singing was heard faintly amongst the loud sounds of the water hitting both her body and the tile around her. Lauren walked past the bathroom and headed downstairs to find Martin. On her way through the kitchen, she saw a face she hadn't seen in a while. Alejandro was seated happily at the kitchen table and going through some files of some sort. Lauren offered him a smile and a short wave in the midst of passing by. She was glad to see a smile on his face, because nearly every other time in the past, he had a deeply set frown or scowl plaguing his features. Although she didn't know him much, she did enjoy seeing him out of his rut - even if for a little while.

"Marty?" Lauren whistled for her beloved dog as soon as she'd gotten through the back door. Martin rose from his reclined position in his massive dog house and trotted over to her.

"Hey!" Lauren squealed and prepared to shower him in affection, like she hadn't seen him earlier today. "I have even more to tell you about Camila. Guess what just happened..."

As usual, she was met with that slow panting. He wasn't a very good guesser. But then again, he never really had been.

"Well, we just got into a fight. Remember at the beginning of the summer when we used to fight all the time?" she paused for him to think back. Once she felt like he understood, she continued. "Yeah. We haven't fought like that in a while. But we did today, just a few minutes ago..."

"Camila is making me go absolutely crazy. One second I'm happy and lovey-dovey and shit, and the next, I'm seeing red and cursing and so fucking mad at her. And then we're kissing..." she mentioned with a smile. "And then we're laughing. I don't know how that happens," Lauren offered Martin a synopsis of what had just gone down between them, then felt like she should elaborate.

"It was over something so stupid, too. She keeps getting jealous over Keana. Remember her? I just told you about her earlier, but I'll refresh you. I used to like her a lot before Camila came along and changed everything. But she won't believe me. She keeps insisting that I like her and stuff and she got so worked up about it that she tried going through my phone..." Lauren sighed and prepared to give him the entire recap of the situation with Camila.

Speaking of the said girl, Camila was just exiting the shower when she suddenly longed for Lauren. She wrapped a towel around her nude body and dried off quickly. She moisturized and dressed herself in her underwear and towel before darting back over to Lauren's room. Her girlfriend wasn't in there, though, and Camila had to admit that she was a little disappointed. Taking showers had always given her the alone time to gather her thoughts and attempt to be rational. In the process of actually reflecting on what Lauren had said, she realized that they were both being quite immature about the whole thing. She was willing to talk to her now, and she knew that would be a fleeting decision. Careful not to prolong it so she could change her mind and keep up her stubborn pride, Camila dressed herself in something comfortable and set off for Lauren.

The taller girl obviously wasn't in her room nor the bathroom, so Camila was certain she'd find her somewhere downstairs. She cleared the stairs leisurely and was swinging her arms when she saw Alejandro perched at the table. He seemed busy with paperwork, but Camila hadn't seen him in a while. She saw it fit to go over and say hello.

"Hi, daddy," Camila greeted her father lightheartedly, then paused just after she'd said it. This man actually wasn't her father. It was still difficult for her to grasp. Sebastian was the man that that title rightfully belonged to, but she just didn't know if that would ever come naturally.

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