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Man, the morning after was phenomenal. Lauren's body was sore in the best way. When her eyes squinted open, she got to see Camila in her purest form. Her girlfriend was lying on her stomach beside her. They'd kind of fallen out of their cuddling position from the night before, but they were still close. Camila was curled into herself, facing away from Lauren.

There was something sexy about the way she slept without a care, with all of the evidence from last night written all over the scene. Her cheeks were kind of flushed, her hair was disgustingly in disarray, and the hickies along her body were highly visible. But her breathing was deep and Lauren knew she was still knocked out.

Her libido was off of the charts. Despite just waking up not even five minutes ago, Lauren leaned up to drape her body over Camila. She gathered her hair and held it to the side as she kissed her shoulder blade. They hadn't even bothered retrieving their clothes at all last night, and all of her smooth skin was still exposed. Lauren didn't have much restraint as she let her fingertips roam her curves. She traced the outline of her body, then shifted over. It wasn't necessarily rough when she did it, but she palmed her backside and pressed soft kisses against her shoulder and crook of her neck.

Camila's brow furrowed and she grumbled in her sleep in response to Lauren's sudden bout of affection. It wasn't really a moan, per se, but it did leave Lauren wanting to provoke it again. So, she did. The second time was credited to the way she pressed herself into her from behind as she continued to kiss along her neck and shoulders. Then, she elicited a real one when she started placing soft kisses along the length of her back, trailing down her spine. Camila responded to her touch accordingly, rewarding her with a quiet moan. Lauren saw her crack a smile after it and she ceased her sensual kisses to give her a chaste one on the cheek.

"Good morning," Camila glanced back at her with a sleepy smirk. Turning her on this early in the morning should've been a crime. But she couldn't say she was opposed to it.

"Good morning, beautiful," Lauren returned just as smugly and retired back to her pillow. She rested her head on her hand as she gazed at Camila.

"How are you? Good?" Camila questioned, and Lauren watched as Camila turned over to face her completely. Showing no restraint whatsoever, their lips met in a short kiss before pulling away.

"We should brush our teeth, baby," Lauren said and jokingly wiped her mouth, although she wasn't really joking at all. "And yes, I'm good."

"Well, okay," Camila agreed, because their kiss was a little bitter. But it was Lauren, so she didn't really have any complaints about it.

Lauren pushed back the comforter and revealed both of their nude bodies. She took a moment to admire her girlfriend before she decided to get up. Camila was flawless, and even more so in the sunlight peeping through the window. When she rolled over and stretched, she watched her perky breasts and smiled at the way she brushed her hair off of her shoulders. Every inch of her skin was worthy of praise, and it put Lauren in a reflective mood. Although she wasn't saying anything aloud, her mind was running rampant with how lucky she was to have her.

"You are just the most beautiful person," Lauren marveled at her, then crossed over to encase her in a hug.

"That's so weird you just said that, because I was thinking the same thing about you," Camila smiled brightly at her when they released each other.

"We're so cheesy," Lauren rolled her eyes at their display, but laughed nonetheless. They were being that insufferable couple, but she wouldn't have it any other way.

"I like cheese," Camila shrugged her off and set off in search of where Lauren had thrown her clothes last night. And when she did, a new factor came to her awareness. "We always wake up naked afterwards."

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