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I'm gonna do this chapter in 3rd person. Please comment if you like this more than the other one. This is based on season 2 episode 8 'Heart Break'. The next one will be longer.

Karen and her dad strolled through the park, both with a cup of coffee in their hands. ''So dad where did you go to school when you were younger?''

''Well I was kicked out of a lot of boarding schools.'' They both chuckled and Tony continued, ''But I spent my senior year at Remington Military Academy.''

''What? No way.'' Karen stopped walking and looked up at her dad, ''How did you survive?'' Tony chuckled and looked down at his daughter, ''It wasn't that bad. I had a fun roommate his name was Travis Phelps, his nickname was Piggy.'' Karen took a sip of her coffee, ''Isn't that a little.. mean?''

''Now you're saying it..'' He trailed off and an awkward silence developed around them, but soon enough it was ended by Tony's phone going off. ''Oh you've gotta be kidding me.'' Tony was looking at his phone with a look of annoyance on his face. Karen looked at him confused, but when he showed her his phone she understood. The name 'Gibbs' was on the screen. She nod slowly and Tony answered the phone. ''Hello boss- Oh I'm just spending my time with Karen- In Bethesda?- What? Boss- Yes okay I will bring Karen with me- Goodbye boss.'' He hung up and looked at his daughter, ''I guess you're coming with me to Bethesda.''


Karen walked into the hospital beside her dad. ''You know you could just wait in the car.'' Karen chuckled nervously, ''And be bored out of my mind? No thank you.'' Tony sighed, ''Look there was an explosion I don't know how bad the body looks.'' Ziva walked up to the pair and handed Tony a camera, ''Well the body is fried.'' Tony raised a brow and Karen grew more nervous. She slowly walked towards McGee who was taking pictures of the body. ''What happened here?'' She wondered outloud, not even being sure if she wanted the question to be answered.

The sighed of the death body didn't shock her as much as she thought it would, but then she remembered her mother dying right when she was in her room. She began to feel a little sick, but kept looking at the body.

''This is commander Michael Dornan he was Safety Officer on the USS Kennedy who just got back from the Gulf last Friday.'' Karen nod slowly taking in McGee's words. Gibbs walked into the room and he was bombarded with information from McGee and Ducky, who had walked in a minute after Gibbs did. Karen didn't notice though, she had zoned out. Why? Imagines of her mother kept floding back into her brain. She felt the stress and the major headache coming back. She felt something wet drip down her face, but she was to deep in thought to even think about it. She didn't expect that the sight of a death body would let the memories flode back and slap her in the face that hard.

A hand on her shoulder startled her and she looked up. Gibbs looked at her with his usual look, but his eyes looked worried. ''Karen you okay?'' Karen sniffled and shook her head, ''I need a break.'' That was all she said before she turned around and walked away from the room and out of the hospital. She soon enough heard footsteps behind her, but ignored it.

''Karen!'' She stopped walking at the sound of her dad's voice, but that was only for a second. She started walking again and this time at a faster pace. I need to get out of here, was all she could think. A hand clamped onto her right arm making her stop walking. ''What?'' She wanted to sound annoyed, but it came out as a whisper. ''Karen look at me.'' Tony spoke in a soft voice that reminded her a little of her mother's. She chocked back a sob and slowly turned to save him. ''What happened in there?'' He asked her when he noticed the tears running down her pale face. ''I-it reminded me of.. m-mom.'' He pulled his little girl into his arms and stroked her head. ''I was there with her when she died, dad.'' She mumbled into his chest. ''I-I was there.'' Tony closed his eyes for a brief moment. He felt bad for Karen. Missing so many years of her life, acting like a dick when she first got here and all this time he didn't know that she watched her own mother die.

''It will all be okay. I'm here for you Karen.'' He sighed to himself, ''I will never leave your side again.''

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