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The whole charade with the body at the crime scene brought Tony closer to Karen. They talked more about the past and Tony was a great support for Karen. The blonde thought a lot about the deal she had made with Gibbs and she started to think about what her mother would want.

She had called her aunt who had told her that her mother would want her to 'follow her heart'. Karen has an high IQ, but she had no idea why people would say such bullcrap, it doesn't even make sense.

So she decided herself that she would give herself 5 days to think about it while she spends her time with her dad. But those 5 days didn't went als planned


Danny and Karen sat on the floor in his room with their math homework spread out in front of them. Karen was already done, but Danny didn't understand any of it so she decided to help him with it. And after what felt like hours to Karen, he finally understood it. "YES! I'm happy and so proud of myself." Karen rolled her eyes, "Sure, it isn't like I helped at all."

"Oh come on blondie, be happy for me once." Karen smiled at her best friend and hugged him, "Alright I'm proud of you, so-"

"Bones, you don't let another man fold your underwear." The pair looked at each other confused and let go of each other. They stood up and walked down the stairs quickly to watch the scene unfold. "What is going on?" Daniel asked as he stopped halfway down as did Karen. "You knew about this?" Seeley Booth asked his son.

"That Sweets is helping in the house? Yeah."

"Nice underwear, Seeley." Karen said with a smirk looking at the Captain America boxers Seeley was holding. "Whatever." He said, clearly embaressed. "Come on, Sweets, we've got a doctor to talk to." Sweets stood up, looking very excited, grabbed his coat and walked out after Seeley.

Danny and Karen chuckled as they walked down the stairs comepletly. Danny went to pick up baby Christine while Karen went to help Bones. "I don't see the problem." Bones told Karen.

"Me neither."


It was about 5 pm when Karen arrived at the bullpen. She walked over to Gibbs' desk and sat down in his chair putting her feet on the desk. "I hate how you're allowed to do that." McGee spoke up as he looked at the teen. "Oh come on McGee, y'all love me."

"Well, I do." Tony spoke as he walked up to the team. He gave Karen a kiss on the cheek making her grin. Tony basically just said he loved Karen and Karen had never thought she would hear her dad say that.

Karen scrolled through Tumblr as the others went back to work. She was looking at Ereri pictures from Attack On Titan, when she was snapped out of her daze by Gibbs' voice. "Team, update."

Ziva, McGee and Tony stood up like loyal dogs making Karen chuckle. Her phone buzzed and she saw she had a text from Seeley. What the hell, she thought and decided to open it.

'You think folding my underwear was normal? Huh? Now he is in MY bathtub'

'Stop over-reacting, Seeley, you'll live. And I think that badtu belongs to both U and Bones -x'

Karen liked Seeley, because of his additude and his love for family and she liked Bones, because she is incredibly smart and Karen can learn something from her.

"Hey, feet of my desk." Gibbs spoke, poking Karen's leg with the case file. She grinned as she put her feet down earing a small smirk frim Gibbs.

"Oh what is he doing here?" Tony spoke and Gibbs and Karen turned to see and older version of Tony walking in. "Hello son." He spoke. That's my grandpa?, Karen wondered as she looked at the man. "Ah Ziva, as beautiful as ever." He gave the girl a hug and pulled away after a few seconds.

"Hello Tim, Gibbs." He waved at McGee and shook hands with Gibbs. "And who us this lovely young lady." He asked looking down at Karen who was still sitting in Gibbs' chair.

An awkward silence developed and glances were shared. "Is someone going to answer me?" Senior spoke as he looked around. Tony walked over to his dad and put a hand on his shoulder, "Dad, meet your granddaughter, Karen Cranston."

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