Twenty Six

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Even though this book is far from over I need your guys opinion. I was first planning to make book 2 with her still in DC and add some new OC's, but an idea is brewing to make book 2 a crossover with CSI Las Vegas. Would you guys prefer if Karen went to a new scenery in book 2 and gets dragged into a new adventure or if she stays in DC and continues her life there? Bc I started watching CSI a while ago and I am completly obsessed (especially with Greg Sanders, tell me where I can get one)


A raging DiNozzo sat next to Gibbs in the SUV on their way to the cabin, ''How the hell can a father be so awful. I mean I get that he is angry with me, but why go kill your wife and abuse your son because of it.'' Gibbs glanced at DiNozzo, who was red in the face with anger. ''We all cope with things in a different way DiNozzo, I don't think anyone ever really knows why people do what they do.'' DiNozzo shook his head and looked out of the window.

He couldn't wait to arrest the bastard.


10 minutes later 2 SUV's were parked at the edge of the woods. Gibbs had layed out a map over the hood of the car, ''The cabin is located here, which is only a few miles away. Now, the kid told us there is a front and back door. Once we get there McGee and Ziva will take the back and DiNozzo, you and I will take the front. Got it?'' They all nodded, ''Grab your weapons and let's go. I want him behind bars.''


Gibbs and DiNozzo stood beside the front door of the cabin and waited until they got the signal from McGee and Ziva that they were ready. ''In position, boss.'' McGee whispered. ''On three.'' Gibbs told them, ''One, two-''

At two DiNozzo had kicked the door down, as had Ziva and they all barged in. All four of them yelled, ''NCIS!''

''BUCKLY, DON'T MAKE IT WORSE AND COME OUT NOW!'' DiNozzo yelled as he opened a closet door in the hallway. They searched the entire cabin, but he wasn't there. They all stood in the kitchen, all very frustrated.

''Uh guys.'' McGee walked over to the table and picked up a note that laid on it.

'Better luck next time;)'

DiNozzo kicked the chair in anger and groaned loudly. ''What is that ticking noise?'' Ziva suddenly spoke and  Gibbs slowly leaned down to glance under the table. ''EVERYONE OUT NOW!''

(What that mysterious ticking noise?- I love you if you get this)

They all ran out of the cabin and just as they were a couple of meters away the cabin exploded.


Everyone was okay after the explosion, but they weren't after Abby had investigated the bomb. ''It had a remote detonator.'' Abby told Gibbs and DiNozzo, holding up the pieces of phone she found. ''This bomb could've only been activated from about 7 meters away from it. He was watching you guys.'' She gave Gibbs and DiNozzo a worried smile, she feared things like this everytime they went out into the field, that they would be in danger.

''Thanks Abby.'' DiNozzo said and stormed out, Gibbs kissed her cheek and followed after DiNozzo. He was just in time to get into the elevator with DiNozzo and as the door closed and the elevator started to move up Gibbs flipped the emergency switch.

DiNozzo sighed, knowing Gibbs would want him to tell him about his feelings and than to pull himself together. ''Speak.'' There it was, the word he was waiting for.

''The bastard kidnapped the guy my daughter has a crush on, killed his wife, abused his son and tried to blow us up. All because I arrested his brother.'' He sighed, ''I just keep thinking that, now he's still out there, he is going to come after Karen one day and there will be nothing I can do to save her. I mean the bastard was watching us closely as we went into the cabin, how could we not have noticed that?''

''So you're worried about Karen's safety.''

''Of course I am, boss. She's my daughter, I would do anything for her. But now that son of a bitch is still out here and she is still in danger, everyone around us is.'' He glanced at Gibbs and noticed Gibbs had a small smile on his face. ''What?'' 

''She will stay safe, because she has you. She has her father and she has all of us. She will be fine, DiNozzo. Don't worry about it to much, we'll get him.'' Gibbs turned the elevator back on and it started moving.

DiNozzo smiled at his boss, ''Thanks boss.''

He was very glad to have an great example like Gibbs in his and his daughter's life.

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