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***Black Emerald***

*Chapter Three*

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Harry Potter belongs to the wonderful J.K. Rowling. Warning: this chapter isn't edited, because I don't have a beta yet. All grammatical errors are my own. Also, I just wanted to get this chapter out to you guys/girls. So I hope you enjoy it, don't forget to follow, favorite, and comment.

Ever since Harry had been born into the family of the Dursleys, his life hadn't been luxurious as everyone first believed he had lived.

Rumors stated he lived a pampered life, that he got everything he so desired by simply raising an arm for it.

However, rumors were just that, useless words that never went anywhere.

When he had turned just the measly age of four, he had had been reduced to nothing. He didn't even know his own name, until his sixth birthday, and for his birthday he had been given cleaning supplies. He had been nothing, but a slave, a help, just like a house-elf.

So, when Harry found himself apparated to the Malfoys. It was understanding that Harry needed a moment to take everything in.

Lucius and Draco, stood idly wondering the boy's thoughts and were already curious about the boy's strange behavior. The Malfoys, continued their way and Harry followed in silence.

As soon as they entered the main foyer, Narcissa Malfoy greeted them warmly.

"Lucius, Draco how good to see you both safe. Harry, what a surprise, I wasn't expecting company darling." Narcissa expressed lightly to her husband. Lucius inclined his head, and directed the Boy-Who-Lived within his office.

Lucius Malfoy, was an old name. His name, matched his office. His office smelt like cloves, and smoke. It made Harry comfortable, as the two Slytherins leaned against the wall.

Harry than rationalized that he should start explaining his mostly 'odd' behavior to the ones he had called enemy from the first moment he took his first steps into Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Ever since Dumbledore approached him and became the so called, 'leader' of the Light army. Which he didn't want- but had to deal with it because all of it was forced upon him.

He lived in a charade for so long, and finally he could do something about it.

"Before I explain myself. Promise to make an unbreakable vow to not repeat any of this to anyone." Harry explained. Lucius was indeed, curious. So, he inclined to Harry's wish. "I, Lucius Malfoy, do so make an unbreakable vow to one, Harry James Potter, to not repeat any of this to anyone without express permission from Harry Potter. I also bind my magic on this vow, so mote it be." Harry eyed Draco and for once Draco didn't have a smug look written on his face. Following in after his father, "I, Draco Lucius Malfoy, do so make an unbreakable vow to one, Harry James Potter, to not repeat any of this to anyone without the express permission from Harry Potter. I also bind my magic on this vow, so mote it be." Draco finished, and added "So, Potter what's up with all the secrecy?" he questioned. Harry sighed. 'It was now, or never' he thought inwardly.

"I'm not as golden as you think."

"Piss off, Potter. You're the light's side beacon of hope."

"I'm not so sure anymore."

"Mr. Potter."

"Harry, please."

"Well then Harry why do you think you're not good anymore?" Lucius softly questioned. Remembering what his wife, Narcissa, had told him many times from the years he had raised Draco. That when kids were scared to omit something that is traumatic its best to be slow, and conscious to the one's feelings.

"I killed someone. More like someones." Harry responded, the end of it coming out like a whisper.

Whatever the Malfoys were expecting was certainly not this. Draco had neared Harry he could see the way his form was shaking, uncontrollably, but he could see that Potter was holding in the stress that was slowly overtaking him.

"Who was it?" Lucius asked.

"My relatives." Harry shortly answered. "Why, did you do it?" Lucius questioned, simply, yet being gentle on how he breached the subject.

"The Dursleys were bad people. Every day they had made sure that I knew that I was nothing but a freak. I even thought that was my name once when I was just the age of four, not until I turned six did I find out my real name. I didn't even know that I was magical until I received my Hogwarts letter. But, even with the letter my life down spiraled from there. Even when I thought I didn't have magic my accidental magic wreaked havoc, and I got punished, more like slapped. With whips no less, and I had received carvings all over my body with the word 'freak' so I couldn't forget just who I was when I was with them."

The Malfoys wished that they hadn't asked, but also at the same time was envying the boy that they thought had lived a rather comfortable life before this. It was mind-boggling that the light's side hero, the chosen one, the golden boy was abused rather harshly. Lucius didn't think it could get much worse until Harry explained just how he killed his relatives.

"I thought my life couldn't get much better. It didn't. Ever since I was little my body had sort of built up a tolerance for the beatings. My body knew what was coming to it, and every day I thought I was lucky that my uncle didn't go as far as to do the unspeakable to me. That what he did couldn't get much worse. But- I was wrong, so when my uncle through me into a room and tried to...well let's just say he didn't make it, nor the weaklings that were considered my Aunt, and cousin. For the next second they had burst into flames. At first, I thought it was accidental magic, but then..."

"Then what, Harry. Go on, you have nothing to fear from us." Lucius cooed, and right now Lucius only felt worry for the boy that had obviously went through too much.

"I have to warn you that this appearance you see before your eyes isn't what I look like anymore."

"Glamour's?" Lucius suggested.

Harry nodded. He looked at Draco, and he could see a real emotion from within...pain. He removed the glamour's from his form, and instead of the golden boy harry that he played, was now the weakling-creature like Harry that both Malfoys saw. Shocked gasps could be heard, as both Malfoys were silent.

Pages: Three

Words: 1,120

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