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Author's Note: I know, I know it's been a long while since I last updated!!! I'm so sorry! But with an editor and a solid idea about Harry inheritance - this story is going to be sweet! So I thank each and every one of you for sticking this story out and hope that you all continue to follow and favorite. Big thanks to @FanficFinesse for doing all the hard work and giving me some questions and advice on developing my ideas further! Couldn't do it without you!

Shortly after returning from the school to Malfoy Manor, Draco appeared with Narcissa tagging behind him. Harry was immediately pulled into a hug by her as Draco smirked at seeing Harry cuddled by his mother. Harry returned the hug, as he really had missed her and her warming presence, one that stopped his pain and froze the bad feelings within him.

"It's so nice to have you back, Harry," Narcissa cooed, and Harry tightened his hold around her. This was what he had missed.

"It's nice to be back. However, I'm sorry to say that the restricted section was a bust. I found nothing concerning the answers to my inheritance. There's got to be another way I can find out what I am exactly." Harry was exhausted.

The curses Dumbledore had cast on him were nothing short of a nightmare, and he could feel it weighing down on him and, added to his freak of nature inheritance, he was surprised that he had been standing upright this long.

Lucius had been standing there watching Harry as he reunited with his wife and son, and he could see the plain exhaustion the boy was giving off, as well as the instinctive cringes when he was touched. A clear sign of abuse. Automatically assuming the old headmaster of the blasted school was at fault, Lucius frowned. Hadn't Dumbledore caused enough trouble for Harry?

He caught himself thinking that he had been wrong about the young Potter heir. Now Lucius would do anything, he realized, to make his life better.

"How about we retire early, and, in the morning, I can take you to the Black Library." Harry gave Lucius a 'what' look. "Before Sirius—your godfather, Harry—had been sent to Azkaban, he was the heir to the Black family. Don't worry; I will try my best to liberate Sirius. Anyway, the Black Library has a lot of books, books that you can't find in the restricted section at school."
Harry smiled then faltered. He had a godfather?

He could have spent his early life with a godfather...

It was like his ears were ringing, white noise filled them, and he started to panic. His eternal nightmare flashed through his eyes, and all he could see was red...

He didn't notice Lucius waving up a shield and Narcissa matching his to protect Draco. Harry crumbled to the floor, his magic having exhausted him.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry."

"Ssh, Harry. It's alright. You did nothing wrong. No one was hurt." Narcissa spoke soothingly, moving towards him. Harry shied away from her comforting touch. He didn't deserve it.

"Harry, listen to me," Lucius stated rather than demanded. Harry did look up, but, instead of seeing blind anger within Lucius's eyes, he saw something that completely and utterly shocked him. Understanding.

"Harry, I can't even begin to imagine how your life has been up to now. I can't say anything or do anything that would make the past couple of years disappear. I also can't make up for hunting you down. But a lot has changed. You have changed. It's the actions we do that define us. It's your action of searching for who you are, and you shouldn't apologize when no apology is needed. You're figuring out who and what you are. My family and I can't fault you and will not judge you. You, Harry Potter, are a part of our family. And Malfoys always look after their own. "

Harry, after so long of remaining strong in front of his friends, finally cracked, accepting the hug from Narcissa when she held her arms open once again. Just once, just once he would let his guard down and feel like his age.


Harry started to feel like a pro after using the floo network once more. With the right pronunciation it was a lot better. But having Lucius beside him helped too. He was awestruck when the other side of the floo revealed to him a luxurious study. Two black leather couches surrounded the grand fireplace. Behind the leather couches was a vast walkway that led to the staircase, and the other side led to the main kitchen. Then there was a pop sound as a house elf appeared.

"Harry this is the house elf that serves the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black. His name is Kreacher, and he will obey you. "

"Lead me to the Black Library. "

"As Master wishes. " Kreacher slowly led them up the staircase.

Harry didn't miss the paintings, magical paintings that looked upon him with interest. He would have time later to converse with each one of them. His sole focus was currently on that library and finally knowing just what his inheritance was all about. Kreacher went past many rooms before he snapped his fingers, making the large, black door open.

"The Black Library. If Master needs anything more, I'm just a call away."

Lucius walked in, and Harry followed, grabbing the first book he caught sight of and sitting in a chair in the corner. And thus, the reading began.

And dragged...on and on....

Harry switched his weight, moving the book he was currently reading to his other side. Until his eyes bulged out of its sockets. Clearly the ninth book he had the pleasure of picking had some serious knowledge about his inheritance. Although, when he went over to Lucius, who was currently reading about the Dark Arts, he had said that he couldn't read it, that it was in a language he hadn't seen.

Apparently, the book listed that it was in the language of Death. It was odd. Ever since he first stepped foot into the library, however, a strange ringing had enveloped his ears. At first it was nonexistent, barely a bother. Yet, when he continued reading, the ringing became more prominent and grew louder with each passing second until he couldn't take it anymore and scavenged the library till he found the source of the ringing.

It was in a hidden compartment when he went to the bookshelf furthest from the door and tapped the back of the case to open a false door. Deep within it, Harry could see a glimmer.

Reaching his hand into the cabinet, he felt something solid and hard and circular connected to a chain of some kind of metal. He got a better look once the item had been removed, and, now that he could lay both his eyes upon it, he felt complete somehow.

In the palm of his hand laid a locket, a locket that had the Slytherin crest embedded on it.

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