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Author's Note: So sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time. Life got in the way, and I've been so busy with school. Seriously, recently I've been caught up in so much homework it's insane. Well, hopefully you guys/girls love this chapter and continue to follow and favorite.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. All rights go to J.K. Rowling. Who is so wonderful, since she came up with the idea of Harry Potter!

***Black Emerald***

*Chapter Four*

Harry had removed the glamour's covering his actual: face, chest, stomach, and legs. Just from the neck and up Draco and Lucius could see the markings all along Harry's skin.

The carvings of the word, "freak" and, the lashing imprints, scalding red marks that would never heal right. "Harry" Draco started, but what more could he say? That he was sorry, and if he had known he would..., would what?

Harry didn't want to have any pity directed towards him; he was the naïve one. He was naïve to trust in the light side; to trust the headmaster, Dumbledore.

"I went to the Headmaster once for help, but he nodded it off. Telling me that my relatives were good people, and that I should be lucky to live with them. What I don't get, is what; were the rest of you thinking? Didn't I have anywhere else to be put up?"

Lucius could see clearly the conflicting feelings that were showing, and changing among Harry's features. He felt for the boy, and would have done something if only the boy had come to him for help.

"Harry, there were a lot of wizarding families in the past that would have loved to adopt you." Lucius supplied.

"What?" Harry replied disbelievingly, there were families that had wanted him he looked over his marred skin; he wouldn't look like this if he had never knew of his relatives.

"Lucius, can I ask you something?" Lucius could hear anger laced through his voice, it was hauntingly familiar to the voice of his Lord's.

"What is it, Harry?" he asked warily.

"Were you one of the families that wanted to adopt me?" Whatever the platinum blonde had been expecting it certainly wasn't this question.

He had to be honest, however, back when Lilly and James Potter had met their untimely deaths; Narcissa and he had been having trouble conceiving a baby of their own. They were really considering adopting the Potter heir, but they had gotten lucky news that Narcissa had conceived. Yet, that didn't stop them.

"Harry, we did consider adopting you." Harry looked up at the honest confession spoken through the elder Malfoy's lips.

"Why didn't you?" he questioned back using enough force leaking into his voice.

"Narcissa and I were having trouble conceiving Draco, but when your parents were...killed. Narcissa was with child, but we went to the Ministry of Magic to try to push the adoption for you; however, we had arrived too late." Lucius explained.

"Too late?" Lucius sighed, before, telling Harry just who it was that ruined his life.

"We were too late, because right after the deaths of your parents, Albus Dumbledore, had made it so guardianship over you was handed directly after him after Lord Voldemort had used the curse to kill your parents. It was him Dumbledore, the fault is on him."

Lucius eyed his favorite chair after explaining the cold truth to the boy – but it wasn't his favorite chair any longer – since it had erupted into fluorescent flames.

Harry was an enigma, he was on their side though.

Lucius caught himself thinking and thanking Dumbledore for this little victory.

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