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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. All rights go to the wonderful and amazing, J.K. Rowling.

Black Emerald

Chapter Six

Harry limped out of the Headmaster's office.

'Stupid, Dumbledore' Harry thought as he slowly made his way to his common room.

He should have known that coming back to Hogwarts was a bad idea, yet, when he agreed to come, and heard that Lucius would do anything in his power to adopt him. He thought, he didn't have to deal with any of this anymore.  

How wrong he was... 


Harry glanced at the Malfoys before he walked into the enclosed space. Grabbing a hand-full of floo powder.

"Now Harry don't worry. I will go to the Ministry later today, somehow, I know that Fudge will accept my proposal of adoption." Harry nodded.

He saw Draco- and was surprised to see a small smile grace the younger Malfoy's face. "See you at school." He said. "Yeah." Harry shortly replied.

Narcissa gave him a gentle hug- he really wanted to stay with them. But- he knew that he had to face his own problems head on. He needed to face them, and he also needed the time to look into the restricted section of Hogwarts.

With one last hopeful smile Harry was engulfed in bright emerald flames. 


* Warning: Dark Themes. *

Upon arriving in the Headmaster's office. Harry was instantly kneeling in the enclosed space. Immeasurable pain made Harry whimper aloud. This was so not the welcoming he was expecting on getting. 

"To find out that you've been with the enemy greatly disappoints me, my boy."

Another pang of pain jolted through Harry's body. He could see Dumbledore standing there before him- casting curse after curse.

"I think we both know you deserve this, traitor." 

"Please, stop. Please!" 

"Since, you asked so nicely."

The pain stopped, but a new pain etched its way across his back. It was barely noticeable at first- but then it ignited. Stopping he could literally see the word that was magically carved on his back.

"Traitor" it said. 

"I'm not." He slowly whispers. "If you aren't a traitor, my boy, then yield to me." The old man was getting on his nerves.

"I yield." Dumbledore had a happy twinkle within his eyes.

"All is good, then my boy. Now, don't wander around. Don't want to get another punishment do you?"

"No, sir." He expresses.

Standing up from the dusted floor, limping out of the Headmaster's presence. 

He finally made it to his bed. Letting out a pained cry as he lied down. No one was there- so privacy charms weren't needed. His eyes were leaking salted tears- how he wished that Draco was here.

He wanted to be comforted in his loneliness, it was pathetic he knew. But, couldn't he for once in his life feel like he was actually wanted? How he missed the halls of Malfoy Manor.  The happiness that he felt he wanted to feel again. 

Using his wand he quickly castes a spell for some pain relief. Instantly, feeling the coolness of the carved burn upon his back, yet, another glamor charm to cast. He let his glamor's fall- revealing all the years of abuse he had withstood. 

He cried himself to sleep that night. Reliving his eternal nightmare once again.

Waking up was a pain. 

Every muscle of his was screaming out in protest. How he loved to imagine the end of the Headmaster. A guilty pleasure he took part in to take some of the pain a way.

Well, he decided in nothing short of three seconds he would instantly leap up from his place on the bed. He instantly regretted it- yelling out profanities. Getting some healing droughts that Narcissa had given him for his previous cuts and bruises he had received from the Dursleys. 

It took time to get ready- but he did. Casting glamor's all over his body, even though it was quite pointless when he was in his school's robes. Yet- he made sure that they always stuck in place. Knowing that they would save him one day of explaining a long, painful story.

The library was quite. Well- no duh- no students were here. Which made going into the restricted section that much easier. 

He carefully scanned numerous titles, until he got to a pacific one that was labeled in weird writing. But- what surprised him- was he could actually read it. The writing almost in calligraphic form. Yet- the book was another dead end.

For the book just spoke in riddles.

Nonetheless, he took the book and hid it underneath his robes.


Lucius Malfoy walked in his usual Pure blood manner. Catching the Minister of Magic, while he was running from the press.

"Minister, I have a concern to talk to you about." The Minister looked at him, "Concern?" the elder Malfoy heard him ask.

He nodded, "It concerns Harry Potter." The Minister stopped mid-step- making a gesture with his hand to follow after him into his office.

After shutting the door, Cornelius gets right to business.

"What concerns do you have of Harry Potter?"

"I want to adopt him." Lucius could hear the automatic laugh he received from the Minister of Magic.  Lucius glared at him, "Now, what made you want to do that?"

"The boy has been abused, Cornelius."

"That is not to be taken lightly, Lucius." Cornelius Fudge, automatically straightened his face. Abuse, was a topic not to be taken lightly. "Do you have proof of this abuse, Lucius?"  He nodded. "Well, it seems that Harry Potter will be in temporary custody of the Malfoys." He drew up an adoption form naming Lucius as his guardian. Yet, his brow lifted up in confusion. "It says, that Dumbledore is the boy's guardian. It also says that he's been laundering money from Harry's accounts. Do you think Harry has any idea of this?"

"I don't think he does. Which means all the more reason for my adoption of the Potter heir." Cornelius Fudge agreed with the Elder Malfoy, and sent a message to the Headmaster of Hogwarts for Harry's immediate return to the Malfoy's custody.


Harry wondered the halls until he came to an abandoned girls dormitory. The wailing ghost wasn't there,Harry's eyes instantly found what they were looking for. The eyes of a snake engraved on the faucet. The chamber of secrets was waiting for him to return.

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