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Kitkat4life_2002 here's the picture of Jack/Alex


Name: Elsa Winters
Age: 18
Address: 2 Crossing Rd.
References: -
Position applied: Coffee Machine Operator


Name: Jack Frost (please call me Alex)
Age: 19
Address: 6 Cardle St
References: -
Position applied: Coffee Machine Operator


I arrived at Tianas Place, a famous restaurant at 10:30. It was amazing, it was a two storey, painted a creamy colour and in bright lights, Tianas Place. I entered and inside was extravagant. Elegant, classy.


I loved it already, then I smelt the food on the tables. Whoa. It's smells like heaven.

"Wow!" I heard a familiar voice say. Jack Frost.

"Jack!" I turned around, but this was the exact opposite of Jack.

Black hair, green eyes, lip piercing, black singlet and jeans with white and black converse.

One word.


"Whoa," I whispered.

"Hi, I'm, uh, Alex?" He said, well more like asked.

"Oh, hi, Elsa Winters." I said extending my hand out to him. He enclosed my small hand with his. His hand was cold against my warm skin.

"So, are you applying for one of the spots too?" I asked after shaking hands. He nodded, and moved his hands as if to shove them in a hoodie pocket. I laughed as he did twice.

"Ugh, no pockets!" He groaned.

"Well that-" I was cut off by a beautiful African American woman entering the room.

"Why, hey there, sugar-plums." She said in a New Orleans accent.
"I'm Tiana."

"Elsa." I said warmly.

"J- Alex." Alex stuttered.

"Right, well change into your cute lil' uniforms and get to it then!" She clapped her hands once and a old man with no hair and dressed in a suit handed me a beige skirt and a black button up. Another man, with hair, handed me black wedges.

"The changing room is down there Miss Winters."

I took the clothing and left to get changed. I returned and saw Alex dressed in a black button up shirt and beige jeans. He had black leather shoes and was made to take his lip ring out.


Right now was the 'Getting to know eachother' session, since the restaurant didn't open till 1 pm.

"Favourite colour?" Elsa asked.

"Blue." I replied.


"Favourite animal." She asked.

"Penguin." I said instantly.

"Omg. Same!" She cried.

"Favourite food." I asked.

"Mhmn, chocolate." We said together. We laughed.

"Ok, least favourite colour." I said.

"Pink." She said dully.

"I hate pink too!" I said.

"Least favourite animal." I asked her

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