With your back against the wall.

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Ben rolled over, and lay next to me, we'd been up here a few hours and the alcohol had already gotten to him. He looked into my eyes, biting his lip again.

Our clothes strewn over the floor, lying in just underwear under a quilt we just messed up.

“So, how do I compare to the other girls?” I asked, insecure but trying to sound playful.

“Oh, wow, a 100 times better than all of them.”

“Aha no seriously, that was the first time I've ever done anything like that.” Kind of irritated by his sarcasm.

“Really? Why didn't you tell me? I wasn't kidding you really were loads better than the others, and they all had experience. You've actually never done anything then, so you've never actually had sex? Well if we do I'll go easy.”

“Nope never. Shh I'm a sad girl alright. But Dominic kept trying to force me, ended up me kicking him in the balls and him beating me each time. Never really trusted someone enough.”

“Well he won't ever lay his hands on you again. Ever. Urm sounds weird but do you want me to get you some juice or something, you will probably need it after that.”

“Yeah, if you don't mind. No offence, just need a nicer taste now.”

He pulled a face, walked out, I lay back in bed happy about what just happened. Hopefully we wouldn't die out, hopefully we won't do everything too fast. Somehow I don't think we will. I think we might be just fine.

He came back into the room, handing my apple juice. I was surprised he remember it was my favourite, but he remembers a lot so I should have guessed.

He sat with me, his hand in mine, as “Wedding Daze” played out on the tv. I don't really like chick flicks, but I must admit this one was my favourite. Ben snuggled into me, I placed the drink down onto his counter and pressed my head to his chest.

“You know, I've never said this to you, but baby, truly, I really do love you.” He spoke, playing with my hair.

“I love you too, I think I always have.”

We watched the last hour of the film, just cuddling and I'm sure even guys agree when we say, that sometimes cuddling is just the best thing to do. The film finished and it was about 6. I seem to be doing well with not doing a lot in the days at the moment. I didn't really mind. Ben reached for his mobile phone, deciding to order a pizza.

“Oh, I have 8 messages babe...” All from Dom. Ben swore at his phone, sending a quick message back telling Dom to leave us alone, and move on, to also learn that I was no longer his punching bag. He then called the pizza pallor and ordered my favourite pizza. Jesus he remembers loads. Hanging up, he turned around and kissed me, got off the bed and dressed back up. 20 minutes later the doorbell rang and Ben sprinted down the stairs, paid the man, and brought our meal up to our room.

Starving, like yesterday I demolished my first meal of the day. Without even bothering to savour a bite. Famish quenched I drunk the rest of my drink and watched as Ben finished the rest of his food.

“Love, I don't want to be a dick, but I have to go over to danny's for a couple hours, we were trying to sort out something about the album in progress but they wanted to party instead.”

“So you think they are going to have stopped and sobered up by now?” I asked.

“No but I'm going to have to try. I need to see how many more songs I need to write.”

“Awh okay.”

“So yeah I'll be back in a couple hours.” He said leaning over and kissing me gently on the lips. He leaned up to leave but I pulled him back, locked my lips with his and continued. “Awh, babe, I don't want to leave either, but I need to.” He pulled back again, this time I left my hands trailing down his side and watched him walk away.

Someone, Somewhere - Ben Bruce.Where stories live. Discover now