Chapter 1.1: Dark Wedding

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There were some things that Lyssandra accepted in life as an Unseelie Princess in the Winter Court. The court politics had numbed her to political backstabbing, public fights that ended in death, obvious ass kissing, and even assassination attempts. These things were so common, that, even at her tender age of 156, they no longer caused her to blink. What she could not accept, however, was that her brand new Seelie husband was attempting to assassinate her. Not even thirty minutes into their marriage and Seelie Prince Maguis was trying to make himself a widower.

She looked over to her husband, who was flirting casually with her cousin, Sebille, and glared at his turned back. He was a handsome man, but that was to be expected from the Seelie Court. Their code demanded it. The second the beauty of a Seelie Fae was damaged or withered, they were tossed unceremoniously out on their pompous asses. The damaged Fae would either have to beg acceptance into the Unseelie Court or wander the world alone. Often, the Seelie Fae who found themselves no longer welcomed into their former court took their life rather than be solitary creatures or seek sanctuary into a lesser court.

Her husband, in all of his arrogant and beautiful glory, was ignoring his new wife as if his life depended on it. The petty and vengeful side of her contemplated how he would look with short hair. It would be so easy to slide up behind him and take a dagger to his gorgeous hair. It would be such a shame to cut those free flowing strands of bright gold and deep red that fell well past his shoulders. His eyes, yet another gorgeous part of his body, complimented his hair with their fiery reds. The man was clothed in the bold colors of his house, the rich reds and golds of the Summer Court. The packaging did not distract from his natural coloring, but enhanced the elegant angles of his face. The man was beautiful, but he was a horrible assassin.

She knew that it was he that was trying to kill her and not some other foolish sap. He had brought the goblet to her in twitching hands, an averted gaze, and an overly sweet voice. He was now avoiding her like the plague, trying in vain to have an alibi for when she dropped dead.

She wasn't heartbroken at the very poorly executed attempt on her life. She felt no love for the man, and she was positive, if the poison were any clue, that he had no love for her. Their marriage had not been a choice but an arrangement in an attempt to heal the rift between the two courts. She didn't see that rift being healed any time soon if the poison was to be taken as a hint.

More than anything, she felt insulted by the poorly executed assassination attempt. The smell of Monk's Bane had assaulted her nose as soon as the goblet had reached her lips. She had been so shocked, she had stopped before the liquid had ever had a chance to slip forward in her tilted cup. The job had been incredibly poorly done and was an insult to her skills.

She didn't think that the Seelie Court was ignorant about her skills, or of those in her court, but the poison was showing her that they clearly were. She had learned poisons, proper ways to torture, and how to fight before she had even learned how to write her name. As fourth in line for succession and it was expected that she know, even if there was little hope of her touching the throne, how to rule properly. Even her little brother, at 5 years old, could have done a better job trying to kill her.

She contemplated her options as she swirled the goblet around in front of her. To drink or not drink was the real question. Drinking the laced wine wouldn't hurt her in any way. She had a natural immunity to poisons, and the look on her husband's face might prove amusing. On the other hand, not drinking from the goblet may annoy him. Another plus in her books, but it could also show fear. She waited until he looked back to check on her to make her move. She toasted him with the goblet and knocked back the liquid with ease.  

The next part will be released on Friday November 20, 2015. If you want to read the whole book NOW Absolutely FREE. Just visit here To grab your free copy of this book today.

Hidden In Shadows, A Fae and Vampire Romance: Shadow Court Chronicles, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now