Chapter 5.1: Seeking Answers

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She normally loved the time of the New Moon. It was one of the times that the Unseelie were at the peak of their power and could easily manipulate the magic of the world. She did not love this New Moon nor was she looking forward to it. She wasn't one to walk away from a challenge or a possible gamble on her life, but this was taking it further than she had ever gone before.

Calling on the Queen of Air and Darkness was something one should never do lightly. In fact, most Fae went their entire lives without meeting her, and there was a reason. She was not a goddess to be summoned unless there were no other options left, and the Fae had come up with creative solutions rather than summon her. She was darkness incarnate and calling her to a corporeal plane without reason tended to leave the summoner dead in a gruesome, painful death—if they were lucky. Her price was a high one, and many did not have the courage or skill to pay it.

Lyssandra, Princess of the Unseelie, took a deep breath as she stepped into the clearing, naked as the day she was born. She had prepared the clearing that day so there would be nothing her to do once night had descended on them except to do the ritual. Now, she hoped that the men listened to her commands.

There had been several arguments during the day from Kieran. She had fought, bribed, extorted, blackmailed, and had finally been forced to bind him under the strongest ward she knew. He had refused to let her do the summoning alone, but it was her risk, not his. He was going to be furious once he awoke from her spell, but at least he would be whole and safe.

Vincent had happily gone along with her. The only reason she had brought him was for after the spell. He was to either help take her drained body or to take her lifeless body back. One of these was going to occur, and she knew that he was a party who would not interfere because he had no vested interest. He was now standing ten feet away from the unlit clearing, waiting patiently for it all to come to an end.

She knelt in the middle of the circle and allowed the darkness around her to settle into her. She took another deep breath, bowed her head, placed her open hands palm up on her legs, and began to chant. Soon, her body began to sway with the rhythm, and she lost herself to the calling. The chant was long, complex, and folded back in on itself several times. A lesser Fae would have been swallowed by the power that was required to enrich the spell but not her.

All doubt faded away when she felt the air around her still in a wholly unnatural way. She was so close to her goal, she could taste it in the air. The words continued to flow from her lips as she repeated the chant over and over again.

"One of my children calls," All around, a voice echoed eerily.

"Yes, my Queen, I have called you to seek answers."

In front of her, the bottom of a cloak made of raven feathers appeared as the Queen of Air and Darkness entered the human world. She did not lift her head, to do so would invoke immediate wrath. She was in the presence of a goddess, and one did not raise their head unless they were given permission. She had been given no leave to move and so she stayed rooted in her spot. The only movement came from her chest as she breathed in the spicy scent of the goddess in front of her.

The cloak rustled as the goddess circled around her slowly. "And why do you assume I will give you the answers you seek?"

"I do not assume, my Queen." She tried to make her voice as docile and subservient as possible as she explained herself. "It was suggested that I petition you to discover vital information that will help me reclaim my birthright. I saw no harm in coming before you and asking if this is information that you would be willing to give me."

"Nothing is given freely in our world, Bound One. Something that you have become acquainted with recently. Are you willing to pay the price for this information?"

"I am, my Queen."

Abruptly, a delicate pale hand appeared on her chin, lifting her face upward. The hand was as cold as ice, bringing shivers to her body, but she didn't pull away; she liked breathing. As her head was slowly lifted, she quickly averted her eyes. She had not been given permission to look on the goddess yet, and although she was curious, she wasn't willing to lose everything to curiosity.

"You may look at me, child." Her eyes slowly shifted to the woman who knelt in front of her. She gasped at the vision that awaited her. "How do you see me? Do not lie, for I will know if you do."

There in front of her was an old woman, haggard in appearance, with long silver hair. She was toothless and blind to the world. Over her was the image of a woman with kind mothering eyes that were a never ending black. She had lush hair that was black as midnight and a stomach that was swollen with child. The last image overlapping the other two was that of a young woman in her prime body, lithe and young. Her black eyes were mischievous and innocent as she had not yet fully experienced life.

"I see the crone, the mother, and the maiden," she gasped out, stunned at what she was seeing.

The queen rose to stand and pulled Lyss with her. "You have passed the test, Bound One. I find it interesting that you can see all three forms despite having most of your power bound. Then again, those of your court are notoriously powerful. If you are willing to pay the price, then I am willing to answer three of your questions."  


The next part will be released on Friday January 29, 2016. If you want to read the whole book NOW Absolutely FREE. Just visit here To grab your free copy of this book today.

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