Chapter 3.3: Vampire Favor

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She heard a growl come from behind her as soon as the word Nightwalker came out of her mouth. She knew that Nightwalkers and Redcaps were notorious rivals, but she needed someone strong who she could use Court influence on. She would have to take care of the animosity sooner rather than later; she refused to have fighting within her group.

"Are you sure you want a Nightwalker? Perhaps a shifter or were of some kind would be better since you seem to have a fondness for Kieran."

She shook her head. "No. I can't risk the chance that Maguis has an Earth elemental Fae on his side. I would feel safer knowing that I am not around someone who can be forced to kill me. I need a strong Nightwalker, one who has been around the block a couple of times and can take orders from a woman."

"I believe I may have someone who would be perfect for you," she stated with a devious smirk on her face. "He owes me a favor, and I believe that I will use the favor for your benefit. I will send for him today, and he will be knocking on your door tomorrow night as the sun sets. As to the information you seek, that will take some time to gather but I should have what you require within seven days."

"Thank you for your generous offer and using your favor on me." She sighed in gratitude. She knew she had forgotten something, the time frame, and she was glad that Sam wasn't going to take advantage of her slip. She was also extremely generous with her deal as a Nightwalker did not give a favor lightly. For Sam to be so generous with her was a sign that she truly was an ally, even if she was not coming right out and saying it. "I will not squander this gift."

"Just don't get him killed. Now allow us to discuss what you are going to give me for all of these wonderful gifts." She rubbed her hands together as she wiggled in her seat with excitement.

It was time to get down to the serious business. Now that the details of the bargain had been struck, it was time for payment to be discussed. Offering money would be seen as an insult, so she wasn't even going to attempt to offer it in the beginning.

"Once I am no longer wanted by both courts, I will offer you safe sanctuary to all four of our festivals, a future favor from me, and a future favor under the name of the Unseelie Court."

"I want safe sanctuary for both Thaddeus and me to all four festivals, three favors from you, and I'll take the future favor from the Unseelie Court."

"Two favors from me."

"Three favors and I will allow you to use an unused home of mine that no one is aware of."

It was a very generous offer and one that she could not pass up. She would have safe sanctuary and a more comfortable bed. It was worth the extra favor. "Three favors it is."

"The deal is struck," Sam declared, holding out her hand.

Lyss took the small hand in her own. "The deal is struck," she repeated.

"Lyssandra, I am about to offer you a free piece of information with no strings attached."

She sat straight, hearing those words. It was rare that free information was offered. "I'm listening."

"Seek out the Queen of Air and Darkness on the night of the New Moon. She holds an important piece of information that you will need to take back your birthright."  


The next part will be released on Friday January 1, 2016. If you want to read the whole book NOW Absolutely FREE. Just visit here To grab your free copy of this book today.

Hidden In Shadows, A Fae and Vampire Romance: Shadow Court Chronicles, Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora