Chapter 4.3: A Little Ray Of Gloom

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She pushed off his chair and strolled back to the other side of the desk, content that she had made her point. "Good. Ground rules. Leave my Redcap the hell alone. I know he reeks of blood, but I know Sam wouldn't have sent you to me unless you had a good handle on your blood desires. I expect you also to feed to make sure that your desires are well sated. You are not allowed to feed on anyone in this house. We are your companions, not your food, unless some dire situation has occurred where you need blood immediately. Your primary duty is to guard the house while we sleep. We have erected barriers for while we are sleeping, but it is better to be safe than sorry. Lastly, we share household responsibilities, and you are expected to help. Other than that, don't be a dick and we all should get along fine."

"My rules," he retorted as he started to tick them off on his fingers. "Keep your Redcap the hell away from me. His stench doesn't bother me, but his arrogant attitude does. I will not feed on any in this household, your blood reeks of dark things and I'm not interested in contaminating my soul any further than it already is. I only feed on humans, and you are the furthest thing from one. I am fine with guarding the house while you sleep as long as you guard my body during the day. I'm also fine with doing household chores, but I'm not wearing a French maid outfit while doing it. Lastly, stay the fuck out of my personal space and don't be a condescending bitch. Do that, and we'll get along fine."

She could feel her left eye begin to twitch in irritation. "You have a problem with authority, don't you?"

"Nope," he countered, standing. "I just have a problem with people who manipulate others for their selfish benefit." He delivered his parting shot calmly and then left the room to leave her with her thoughts.

She was so going to charge Sam a penalty for sending that little ray of gloomy sunshine her way. She was seriously beginning to contemplate challenging Kieran for the pleasure of killing the sarcastic bloodsucker. It would be a horrible shame though. He had a really nice ass.

She pushed thoughts of him away for the moment. She had more important things to do, like see what Sam had sent her. She assumed that it was still too early for her to have any earth shattering information, but she would happily take whatever she had sent. She also hoped that there was a letter of apology or some tantalizing offer to apologize for Vincent. She planned to give the woman an ear full the next time she spoke to her. She had gotten screwed royally when Sam had sent her him. It was just like that wicked woman though. She always had to have the upper hand in whatever bargain she made and she most definitely got it with Vincent alone. Revenge must be had. Her Unseelie pride demanded it. 


The next part will be released on Friday January 22, 2016. If you want to read the whole book NOW Absolutely FREE. Just visit here To grab your free copy of this book today. 

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