Chapter 4.1: Sanctuary

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When Sam had offered her the use of a house as a sanctuary, she had not been expecting a huge cabin in the middle of the woods. She had been expecting a townhouse maybe or even an apartment hidden away in the city. Instead, they found themselves staying in a five-bedroom cabin that sat on one of the most peaceful tracts of land she had ever come across in the human world.

As soon as she had stepped onto the land, her boots had come off and she had wandered around for hours. Kieran had been forced to pull her inside at dark to feed her and throw her physically into a shower. Real food, a long hot shower, and a restful sleep had her feeling refreshed when she woke up the following morning.

She stretched languidly in the beautiful king sized bed. The headboard and footboard were intricately hand carved Ash pieces that depicted nature scenes. The rich green blankets rivaled those in the Fae hills for softness. She contemplated staying in bed until sunset but forced the idea aside for another day. She had lists to make and plans to form. She didn't have the luxury of staying in bed until she was back in the Fae hills, and everyone was safe.

She pushed the covers off and crawled out of the bed. It was time for her to get ready and spend some quality hours in the large library that dominated much of the space on the first floor. She wiggled into a pair of leather pants and pulled a deep blue Bohemian peasant top over her head. The shirt had long flowing sleeves, but it was lightweight enough that even if she did go outside, she wouldn't roast. Though it wasn't like she felt the heat like a normal human anyway.

She padded downstairs in bare feet and followed the scent of coffee. It led her directly to a library she had a serious case of lust over. On the desk sat a large cup of coffee just the way she liked it and next to it was a plate of fresh fruit, stacks of books, a laptop, a blank book, and a pen. She could have happily kissed Kieran if it wouldn't have weirded him out. The man truly did look after her, no matter what.

She took a sip of her coffee as she sat down at the desk and sighed in pleasure. There was nothing better in the morning than a freshly brewed cup of coffee. She took a bite of a crisp apple slice, flipped open a book, and went to work.

Hour upon hour, she sat at the desk flipping through the genealogy charts of her kind as she scribbled down notes. She needed to track family bloodlines so she would be able to see how much damage the coup had done once she received her reports from Sam. She was also looking for specific bloodlines that had been forgotten about that she might get an opportunity to use later. The courts only focused on those who were powerful as individuals and ignored those who had greater strength in numbers. She also needed a complete list of those who fell solely in the Unseelie Court and what each Fae was aligned with.

Sometime during the day, Kieran had stepped into the library and had delivered lunch with more books for her to write in. A couple hours later, he had come back and dragged her out into the fresh air for a few minutes. Those minutes had turned into an hour, but she had needed it desperately. She hadn't realized how tired her eyes were or how stiff her body had been until she had taken a break.

Now she was back at her research, filling up book two and munching on her dinner as she took notes on the layout of the Seelie Fae Hills. The sun was slowly setting and soon, her guest would be appearing on her doorstep. She wanted to complete as much of her research as possible before he appeared. She knew that she would be running interference between Kieran and the Nightwalker until they grew used to one another. She prayed to the gods that it wouldn't take too long.

The only saving grace was that they would primarily be on opposite schedules. There would only be a few hours where they would overlap. Those few hours would be enough though to keep her on her toes and them out of trouble.

"Lyssandra, get your scrawny ass in here," she heard Kieran call from the entrance way. "We have a guest who I would rather not deal with."

"I'm coming, I'm coming," she muttered, more to herself than him, as she pushed herself away from the desk. She padded into the entryway to see Kieran standing in front of the door. His huge body was blocking her line of sight. "Move, Kieran, so that our guest can come in."


The next part will be released on Friday January 8, 2016. If you want to read the whole book NOW Absolutely FREE. Just visit here To grab your free copy of this book today.

Hidden In Shadows, A Fae and Vampire Romance: Shadow Court Chronicles, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now