Chapter 3.2

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As i approached the flet a ladder was let down from the shadows. It was a rope, silver grey and glimmering in the dark. Though it looked slender it proved strong enough to bear many men.

" Let the halflings up first. Upon reaching the top you will find more of my kin." I turned around and addressed the fellowship. The dark haired halfling went up the rope first, followed by his sandy haired companion. Next the two similar looking halflings climbed up the rope after gazing at me. The dwarf went next, followed by whom I guessed to be Legolas. Lastly went the man of gondor, after giving me a scowl. Shortly after haldir and aragorn returned, and I followed them up into the tree tops.

The branches of the mallorn tree grew out nearly straight from the trunk, and they swept upward; but near the top the main stem divided into a crown of many boughs, and among these there had been many wooden platforms, or flets, built. The companions stopped at this level to climb up a wooden ladder the the highest flet.

When I reached the top flet I found Legolas sitting with the other elves. The halflings were crowded in a circle around a slender silver lamp.

'" Alatulya." ( welcome). I called out to the fellowship as all eyes turned to me.
" Elen silva lu menn omentielvo" ( a star shines on the hour of our meeting) the dark haired halfling called out, which earned him a radiant smile from myself.

" welcome, we seldom use any tongue but our own for now we dwell in the heart of the forest, and do not often have dealings with any other folk.even our own kindred in the north are sundered from us. But there are some of us who still go abroad for the gatherings of news and the watching of our enemies, and they speak the language of other lands. I am one. Aria is my name, these are my kindred haldir, rumil and orophin. But we have heard rumours of your coming, for the messengers of Lord Elrond came this way. We have not heard of halflings for many a year, and did not know that any still yet dwelt in middle earth. " I spoke while holding the eyes of a certain elf.

" you do not look evil! And since you come with an elf of our kindred, we are willing to befriend you, as Elrond asked; through it is not our custom to lead strangers through our land, but you must stay here tonight. " Haldir now addressed the fellowship.

" it is cold in the tree tops in winter, but the wind tonight is in the south; but we have food and drink to give you that will drive away the night chill." Haldir addressed the fellowship.


As the various companionship fell asleep I lay awake and watched. It seemed as if the dark haired halfling had not fallen asleep, his face was turned towards to stars. I sat beside Haldir, whispering of what we thought was to come next when I saw the halfling turn his blue eyes towards my form.  Slowly he fell asleep.

The night had almost gone without fault until somewhere in the middle of the night I heard a sound from the forest floor. Immediately I was at my feet. The dark haired halfling had awoken as well and had crawled to the edge of the flet to
peer down into the darkness. I purposely scraped my boot upon the flet to alert him of my presence as I kneeled beside him.

" I hear a hissing, as if it were coming through someone's teeth. " he spoke slowly. A flash of pale eyes answered his inquiries. Then it turned aside, crawling back down the tree.

" do not fear, Haldir is on watch below us." A look of reassurance washed across his face. With that I took my leave and waited for daybreak.

Day came pale from the east. As the light grew it filtered through the leaves of the mallorns. Pale blue sky peeped among the moving branches. The morning was still young and cold when Haldir gave the orders to set out once again. I walked near the middle of the group and felt a certain pair of icy, blue eyes upon my back for most of the journey. By mid day I had had enough.

I fell into step with him.

" would you like to explain why you are intent on boring holes in my back? Are you just simply enjoying the view?" I teased. Immediately he became flustered.

" it can be you." His melodic voice stated.

" you can't be rid of me that easily." I replied with a chuckle.

" oh valar, I have missed you." I smiled at his perfect face.

" it has been too long, my old fiend." He agreed.

" how funny it is that we chance upon each other in this way. I am glad to have met you again. Much has changed since we last saw each other. I am captain of my own guard now. And the stories I have heard about you. " I smiled as we continued walking.


The rest of the day proved to be uneventful. I walked most of day with Legolas until we came upon the crest of a large hill. Here Haldir halted to company.

" here is the heart of elvendom on earth." He spoke full of pride as he glanced over into the distance.

We walked for the better part of the afternoon until we reached Caras Galadhon where my adventure only began.


authors note

So here is the next part. I should maybe be able to get 3 more chapters up by the end of the month as Christmas break starts at the end of this week.
Hopefully you are enjoying this story, and I want to say a quick thank you to all of my readers.

Please vote for my story, it would mean the world to me.

Which lord of the rings movie is your favourite?
Mine is return of the king ;)

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