Chapter 5

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That night the company slept upon the ground, much to the satisfaction of the hobbits. No sound or dream disturbed their slumber. This was true for all but Aria. It was midnight when the lady of light entered her dreams and bid her to meet her at the mirror.

Aria rose, silent feet unknowing moving themselves to the direction of the mirror. She knew not why Galadriel had summoned her, neither did she know what would come of this visit.

As she entered the clearing Galadriel's presence lit up the area, almost like a bright star. Slowly Aria approached her.

" I have brought you here so you may look into the mirror, if you will." Galadriel answered Aria's unasked question.

" what shall i look for, and what shall I see?" Aria asked as she approached the pedestal where the mirror sat.

" many things I can command the mirror to reveal, and to some I can show what they desire to see. But the mirror will show things unbidden, and those are often stronger and stranger and more profitable than things that we wish to behold. What you will see, if I leave the mirror free to work, I can not tell. For it shows things that were, things that are, and things that may yet be. But which it is that one sees, even the wisest cannot always tell. Do you wish to look?"

Without words Aria climbed up to peer into the mirror. At first nothing happened and Aria thought that nothing would happen. But then the waters swirled together and in the depths an image arose and it was utter chaos. A battle raged, men and elves fought beside each other as one force against the darkness that is known as orcs. Out of the shadows a tall figure approached, it was terrible looking. A tall helm hid his face and his armour covered all of his body, but that didn't stop Aria from recognizing who it was. This was Sauron the deceiver. Quickly the scene changed to Sauron's smoking helm falling to the ground as a man picked up the ring of power. Once again the scene changed to another battle. In this scene she saw herself and the other members of the fellowship. They've were surrounded by death and destruction. Aria watched herself scream in agony as haldir's lifeless body fell to the ground. She watched countless others die and be hacked apart as they fell defending the keep. Again the scene changed. This time she watched the fall of Boromir, as he was pierced by many arrows, she saw two of the hobbits, merry and pippin, be captured and carried off to their most likely deaths. Then Aria witnessed the deaths of people she had never even met. A king was eaten by a fell beast. A sheildmaiden defeated by a nazgul. A man of Gondor pierced by arrows. On and on the deaths went until the vision faded to black. A new vision appeared out of the void and this one startled her the most. She was laying on the battlefield dying in the arms of Legolas. Aria was confused as to what it meant. Then the vision was consumed in fire. Aria leaned closer as her eyes widened, it was the same fire that consumed her childhood home. The flames grew brighter and Aria could feel the heat as steam came off the mirror. The flames widened and took shape in a giant flaming, lidless eye. It called her name and spoke of things unknown. Fear gripped her heart as she was pulled closer to the water until her face was only centimetres away. She felt a presence in her mind, almost like a gentle pull. However, this grip grew stronger until it was almost unbearable. The eye whispered words in her mind as it picked through her thoughts and memories. Suddenly the hold was broken and Aria stumbled backwards onto the grass.

" I know of what you saw, for it was in my mind also. These visions are what will come if you fail your destiny. Some of these lives could be saved and others may not." Galadriel spoke in riddles.

" I must continue on the path I have set." Aria whispered, as if she were trying to convince herself.

" I have faith that you will make the right decision when the time comes Aria. You will discover who you truly are on this quest. "


Authors note

Thanks for reading another chapter. Please vote, it would mean the world to me. Also if you are a fan of Supernatural please go and check out my two supernatural stories. Thanks,

Have you read any of tolkiens books? And if so which ones?
I've read the lord of the rings, the hobbit, the silmarillion, the children of Hurin.

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