Chapter 13

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    A group of horsemen ride to Edoras. Éomer is in the lead, carrying wounded Théodred. Éomer quickly dismounts and carries the kings son into the hall. Éowyn runs hastily up the stairs to the Golden Hall and into a bed chamber before stopping at the bedside.

"Théodred!" She exclaims, worry evident in her voice. Théodred seems to hear her call but is unable to respond. He has a bloody gash on the side of his head. Éomer nods to Éowyn in the direction of Théodred's torso. Éowyn draws back the covers and upon seeing Théodred's fatal wound, her lips tighten. She looks up to catch Éomer's eye.

Éomer and Éowyn are speaking to Théoden-king who sits motionless on his throne, wizened, and aged beyond years.

"Your son is badly wounded, my lord." Éowyn spoke softly.

"He was ambushed by Orcs. If we don't defend our country, Saruman will take it by force." Éomer continued.

" That is a lie!" Gríma spoke, appearing from the shadows behind the throne.
" Saruman the White has ever been our friend and ally." He continued.

" Gríma... Gríma... " Théoden mumbled feebly as Gríma leaned down closer to the King.

"My son...? Gríma...?" He continued as if in a daze.

"Orcs are roaming freely across our lands. Unchecked. Unchallenged. Killing at will. Orcs bearing the white hand of Saruman." Éomer spoke, dropping a helmet onto the ground which toppled over the reveal the white hand of Saruman.

"Why do you lay these troubles on an already troubled mind. Can you not see? Your uncle is wearied by your malcontent, your war-mongering." Gríma spoke, words coming out in almost a hiss.

  " War-mongering?" Éomer grabbed Gríma and pinned him against a pillar.

"How long is it since Saruman bought you? What was the promised price, Gríma? When all the men are dead you will take your share of the treasure?" Éomer shouted.

Gríma's eyes flicked to right, watching Éowyn as she walked by. Éowyn stopped to stare back for a moment before departing from the hall. Éomer jerked Gríma again and clutched his hand around Gríma's jaw.

"Too long have you watched my sister, too long have you haunted her steps." Éomer spat.

Gríma's eyes looked to the left and relaxed as Éomer was suddenly pulled off Gríma by his thugs.

"You see much Éomer, Son of Éomund. Too  much." Gríma hissed as the thugs punched Éomer in the stomach.
"You are banished forthwith from the kingdom of Rohan. Under pain of death!" Gríma's voice echoed through the hall as Èomer was dragged out.


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