Chapter 4

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*Jennifer's POV*

I arrived at school and had to go to the office to get my schedule. I looked up at the time and saw that I should be in English class.

"Hello, you must be Jennifer Brooks. I'm Mr. Avila and I'll be your English teacher this year." Mr. Avila said when I walked in. "Hi, Mr. Avila, where do I sit?" He pointed to a seat right next to my current boyfriend, Eric Larson. I slid into the seat next to him.

"Hey, Jen." He winked at me. "Hey, Eric. So I'll be sitting here from now on... Isn't that useful?" I smiled.

Eric was the hottest guy in school. From his gorgeous blonde hair to his bright blue eyes, everything about him was perfect. But, I'm starting to question if I even like him. I mean, yea, he's hot, but I just don't feel anything special when I'm around him. There are no butterflies in my stomach and my heart doesn't beat faster whenever I'm with him.

Any girl at this school would be glad to have him. Why can't I like him?

I let my thoughts carry on until the bell rang. English was the last block of the day, so I started walking to my car. I drove home and when I got there I crashed onto my bed and started to do my homework.

When I was on my last assignment, I noticed the gift basket I found earlier in the corner of my room. I got out of my bed to go get it.

I started to rip the plastic wrapping off of it and saw that there was a card attached.

Dear Jennifer,

I've heard a lot of great things about you and I can't wait to meet you in December! I'm so thrilled for you to be opening up for me and I'm looking forward to it :)

-Demi Lovato

I literally spit out the water that I was drinking. THE Demi Lovato was actually looking forward to meeting ME.

So many thoughts were racing through my mind and I landed on Eric. I started to cry and wonder why I can't just break up with him. If I break up with him though, people are going to think something is wrong with me. I mean, what's there not to like about him. He's the perfect boyfriend. But there are no sparks.

As tears were rolling down my face, I stomped into the bathroom. I was staring at myself in the mirror thinking "you ugly piece of shit how could eric even like you". My eyes wandered over to the cupboard above the sink. "Don't do it" I thought to myself. I couldn't help it, though.

I reached into the cupboard and pulled out the razor. I forced it onto the skin of my wrist and slid it sideways. It was bleeding like crazy now. I quickly rinsed off the blood and put away the razor.

"DINNER'S READY." my mom yelled from downstairs. I pulled the sleeves of my sweater down so my mom won't see the cuts and I went down to eat dinner.

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