Chaper 15

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*Demi's POV*

I was shocked. Jennifer had just left me. My head rested in my hands as I sobbed, still seated in the limo. The driver looked at me with a disgusted face and asked, "Are you planning on exiting the car anytime soon." What A FUCKING DICK. "You know what? Fuck you. Can't you see I'm hurting? Can't you see I'm in pain? Don't you fucking dare speak to me like that again or else you're fired and you'll have to find another damn job. Actually? I am firing you. Goodbye." I cried and left the car. I ran to the hotel while I wiped away my tears and noticed a flash before I entered the hotel. I turned around and saw a massive swarm of paparazzi. I began to yell at them. "Can I have a little bit of privacy please? This is not the right fucking time to be recording or snapping photos of me. I'm going through a lot of pain now and am kindly asking you to fuck off" I wiped away my tears and turned to walk into the hotel. I went up to my room and debated on whether or not I should go in. I might not be able to last with her sitting there. How am I going to be able to stay with her the whole night? I'm going to burst into tears when I see her face. Slowly, I opened the door and peaked inside. She wasn't inside. Thank god. I laid on the bed and slowly drifted to sleep.

*Jennifer's POV*
I went into my new room and cried for hours. After I finished, still a little bit teary eyed. I turned on the TV. A celebrity gossip channel was on. I was about to change it, when something caught my attention. It was Demi. She apparently gotten into an argument with a group of paparazzi. "Can I have a little bit of privacy please? This is not the right fucking time to be recording or snapping photos of me. I'm going through a lot of pain now and am kindly asking you to fuck off." She cried and stormed off into the hotel, wiping her eyes. Was she acting this way because of me? Did I cause this pain? I grabbed a bottle of water and started chugging down the water. "Well it seems like Demi's a little heartbroken. Is Demi having Wilmer trouble? Or are the rumors true about Demi's little fling with her opening act Jennifer Brooks?" I spit out my water. What the fuck?

*Demi's POV*
I was watching a gossip channel because they were talking about me. After the clip of my cussing at the paps, the reporter began to speak. "Well it seems like Demi's a little heartbroken. Is Demi having Wilmer trouble? Or are the rumors true about Demi's little fling with her opening act Jennifer Brooks?" Oh my gosh. Did the press find out about me and Jennifer? Do they know about what we've done? Do they know that we're in love? Do they know that we're dating? Oh... wait... Realization hit me and my sorrows returned once again. My mind is telling me to relapse. But I don't know if I can. I can't let my lovatics down. I promised to stay strong for them. But I don't think I can handle this situation without harming myself. I grabbed the razor and walked into the bathroom. I slid the razor across my wrist. I winced in pain, but couldn't get enough of it. I repeated the action several times and put the razor away. Then, I rinsed off my wrists and dried them off. I had a meet and greet to go to at the Microsoft store. It was only ten minutes away, but since I fired my limo driver, I have no way to get there except walk. I quickly threw on one of my old black short sleeve band shirt and put on some bright red lipstick. I rushed out of the hotel so I can make it to the meet and greet on time. Luckily, on the way there were no paparazzi. When I arrived at them Microsoft store, I realized that I had forgotten to put on my bracelets. FUCK. A girl walked up to me and I greeted her warmly. I hid my arms behind my back and hoped that my fans wouldn't notice when the pictures were released. I had done that for the whole meet and greet. When it was over. I walked into a music store next door. I was still feeling down and sad. I tried out one of their electric guitars, a deep blue one. I began to play and sing to one of my favorite songs. A few people took out their phones and cameras and recorded me. I hoped nobody notices who I'm singing about.

Yo listen up here's a story
About a little guy that lives in a blue world
And all day and all night and everything he sees
Is just blue like him inside and outside
Blue is his house with a blue little window
And a blue corvette
And everything is blue for him and himself
And everybody around
'cause he ain't got nobody to listen to

I'm blue da ba dee da ba die...

I have a blue house with a blue window.
Blue is the colour of all that I wear.
Blue are the streets and all the trees are too.
I have a girlfriend and she is so blue.
Blue are the people here that walk around,
Blue like my corvette, it's standing outside.
Blue are the words I say and what I think.
Blue are the feelings that live inside me.

I'm blue da ba dee da ba die...

I have a blue house with a blue window.
Blue is the colour of all that I wear.
Blue are the streets and all the trees are too.
I have a girlfriend and she is so blue.
Blue are the people here that walk around,
Blue like my corvette, it's standing outside.
Blue are the words I say and what I think.
Blue are the feelings that live inside me.

I'm blue da ba dee da ba die...

Inside and outside blue his house
With the blue little window
And a blue corvette
And everything is blue for him and himself
And everybody around
'cause he ain't got nobody to listen to

I'm blue da ba dee da ba die...

I'm blue

I finished with a sad smile. My eyes were filling up again. "I have to go now." I told the fans who were watching. As I left, the brightest idea popped into my mind. I walked into the hair salon a couple of stores down and say down in one of the chairs. I told the hair stylist, "I need my hair to be dyed blue. A bright, neon blue."

Until You're Mine (A Demi Lovato Fan Fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant