2- Do You Want Advice?

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"Okay, we'll have to shoot this scene multiple times and it might get a bit awkward for you," The dance instructor, Kim Barton, tells me as we're preparing to film on day two. "If you ever feel like you need a break or you need some tips on dance moves or anything, I'll be right here."

I nod, feeling a bit more anxious than I did yesterday about this lap dance thing but not very nervous. I think that Kim thinks that I'm a lot more nervous than I really am because all of the other girls that have to do the lap dances went through a few days of dance training but because I was a last minute replacement, I didn't get that. I do have prior experience though, so I know what I'm doing. "Right. Thanks."

She offers me an encouraging smile before she adjusts top of my lingerie. The same lingerie that I was wearing yesterday because in the movie, it's the same day. The actors aren't on set yet and now that Kim has finished talking to me, the makeup artist is coming back to me, adjusting my hair and makeup as the director, producers, and cameramen set up the camera closer to the strip club set where there's booths where, in a real strip club, people go to get private lap dances. And on the set, the actors will be getting fake private lap dances. Even though I guess they're real lap dances, but at the same time, they're fake.

Once the makeup artist is done, the actors are walking onto the set after getting made up and dressed. Two of them are arguing over whether or not some sports team is going to win some game while the other two are just laughing on the sidelines of the argument.

I pretend to be adjusting the waistband of my thin panties so that I have something to do other than look at those four guys. And because I'm not looking up at them, I don't realize that Hudson breaks away from his costars to come over to where I'm standing near the lap dance booths.

"Hey," He gets my attention and I drop my hands to my sides and look up at him through my hair sprayed stiff bangs. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine..." I say slowly, not even trying to hide my confusion as to why he's asking me that.

Catching onto my confusion, he continues. "I just know that this kind of thing can be awkward. Even for experienced actors, this kind of thing can be weird so I just wanted to make sure that you're doing alright."

"Yeah, I'm fine," I assure him with a nod. I've just been thinking about it as another lap dance and although I was only a real stripper for a few months, I think I picked up the techniques pretty well. "But thanks."

"Really?" He seems surprised by my confidence.

"Yeah," I confirm. "I'm not really worried about it."

"Oh..." He trails off. "Alright then."

"I appreciate your concern though," I add, feeling the silence growing to become a bit awkward now. I just felt like I had to say something for some reason.

"Do you want any advice or anything?" He offers and I begin to wonder if he's only doing this just to feel powerful, smarter, or just better than me. Because he's been acting for years and I've only been at it for a little over a year now so clearly, I need his guidance.

"On how to give a lap dance?" I play dumb with a choked laugh. "No. Thanks but I think that I've got it."

"No, just being on camera in general," Hudson explains to me.

"I've been doing this for over a year," I tell him, trying my best to hide the annoyance that I'm feeling. The movie stars that I've met haven't been those typical celebrity types that people think of when they think of celebrities. They're not snobby or really that conceited when they hold a conversation with you. They're considerate, charming, and they act like just about any other person that you'd meet.

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